
Agent Block Woodshed?

Agent Cutter Smashflame?

I'm on the same page as you but a writer friend raves about this show. Can a bad show be enjoyable to watch? I watch Walking Dead. I don't know if I enjoy it but I watch. Is that a bad show? Up is down! Cat is Dog! Arrrgh!!!

Shows like this are what happen when guys who saw Matrix Revolutions senior year of high school go from whatever job their dad got them at a network or studio straight into a writers' room.

Maybe in 1998. Meh. To each his or her own.

I'm just saying her aesthetic appeal is for me the only redeeming quality of the show. I find the show neither funny nor touching but that's what remote controls are for so…

I'm the first to admit I am an old who doesn't "get it". But everyone on this show is just well, the worst. So poop on me for expecting different.

I just can't deal with her permanent "Golden Globes red carpet" hair and make up. She's like distractingly attractive in my opinion. As to whether or not she can act - it's another Blacklist knockoff so meh.

I've heard Strikeback was good, mindless fun just not my cup of dirt. Networks are manufacturing lines. Whatever works they mass produce. It's also a risk averse business. "Name" entities mean it's not the executive's fault if it doesn't work. Hence, "from the producers of blah…"

Is this is a cultural thing? Finding yourself and figuring things out and just leeching off your peers until you settle down are things POC don't generally have the luxury of doing. Like, surprise, you're almost 30. You can't sit around getting high all day convincing yourself Instagram pics of you eating Thai food

"but they’re not bad people. They’re loud, crass, constantly drunk or drugged, and are almost always obnoxious." Isn't that exactly what bad people are?

I really liked that scene. It was after school special level important but delivered in an organic fashion. I applaud them addressing this issue.

Is that a thing with her character? I guess her fiance was closeted too? Or he slept with a guy in college? Is that like a running joke now? My only gripe with this show is gay white male perspective of black manhood. Like can there be a straight brother who isn't either feckless or deluded or both? They need some

She's the macguffin tho. Her character is that she isn't a character. Hopefully that will change as she regains her memory but I'm not optimistic.

When I first heard of this I was stoked to see Snipes on TV before I realized they were using him as diversity window dressing. What does it say about NBC that they create two otherwise serviceable knock offs (Player and Blindspot) of The Blacklist and center them on two bland Australians (from the same show!)

There are all kinds of talented actual professional comic book writers who are also black but they picked a comic fan who happens to also be one of the more celebrated social critics of the moment. As the article points out it's a bold choice. I'm happy for Coates and respect his prose but this is what white media

Priest's run is the only other context I've heard BP mentioned. I will check it out.

Justified or not if he's running around with bombs even if he's being compelled it still doesn't make sense to do things that will make it harder for him to complete his task.

This may prove to be a rare instance of "Oh, shit we're being super racist in our hiring practices. Somebody do something quick." working out to everyone's advantage. Certainly, no higher up at Marvel knows any black people now that Dwayne McDuffie is gone (RIP) so selecting Coates, arguably the most high profile

Jane Doe and The Human 2x4 should switch roles. She's a good actress and he would be good playing someone with zero personality who has no idea what's happening.