
I had a long conversation with a working TV writer and, limitations of a pilot episode notwithstanding, he thought it was "well-written and beautifully executed". I thought it was competently produced but my God it was full of stupid. From the obligatory "hey I'm a bad ass who kicks in doors" opening where the

What was with that SWAT zipline nonsense? Like how is that at all practical? And why bother if the hot chick wearing Power Girl's hand me downs can just walk up behind him and point a gun at his head? And what was with Wall-E dropping girders onto the ground? Like how is that in any way cost-effective demolition? And

From Power Girl's sportswear line. I was like, "Okay, Megan Good has amazing boobs. " We get it.

"Kudos to the casting team for creating a future that’s not inexplicably white."

Not into the WWE since I was 8 but respect the spectacle of it. That said what the hell is that header image? Is this fake wrestling or softcore porn? Why is our society filled with women whose career objective is: "I'm going to crawl around in work out gear on TV with my fake tits sticking out."?

Sexual assault isn't committed out of biological compulsion. It's a psychological defect born out of a false sense of entitlement and/or compensating for feelings of inadequacy. Rape is about power not sex.

Could be red herring. Could be anyone trained and moved into clandestine ops would have all legitimate records expunged. She'd official cease to exist making identifying her more about random luck than any amount of due diligence. Also, could just be bad writing but pilots suck by design narratively speaking.

TV Exec: "Can we know something about her background sooner? Like that she's a bad ass Navy Seal or something?"
Writer: "The point of the show is that her background is shrouded in mystery."
TV Exec: "Yeah, but you have her in this big fight scene in Act 2. How are people going to believe that she can fight?"

Then they immediately sent a PA to Michael's with a gift card from Target.

I pretty much signed off after last week's ridiculousness but wouldn't the US military as we know it immediately erect an ISIS-style, homegrown "catastrophic attack" cover story to make it easier to manipulate/control the public and ease the transition to what is essentially martial law on a national scale? It seems

He saw a shot and ran over Calvin in the first episode tho. He's got to know it's not bird flu by this point.

"Hey, Army buds let's shoot the one lady attacking that guy and/or having a heart attack and then immediately disregard all quarantine protocols and casually stand unprotected around the big group of civilians exposed to unknown vectors in the midst of a epidemic of indeterminate origin/ method of transmission."

Aren't walkers attracted to light, movement and sound? Like gunshots? I can't with this show.

There are so many logic fails I can't effectively critique the show on its artistic merits or lack thereof. Just simple stuff a room full of adults should interdict before the intern finishes passing out the bagels. It's infuriating really.

They lost me for good when Madison just kind of half-assedly mutters, "Hey. Come on, Pat. Don't go in there." instead of leaning on the horn and screaming her head off before racing over to save her clueless neighbor from certain death.

You did not like this show.

Show don't tell. Screenwriting 101.

Interesting points although I think your analysis presupposes the audience accepting the conceit that Murphy is the antihero of the story as opposed to Pablo. FWIW, the DEA was created by Nixon to in effect criminalize poor black
people as a method of social control (that's how Nixon described the
role of the agency).

They can both have flaws and I certainly would have been more forgiving of DD's flaws if I had noticed any during the initial viewing. The difference is that FTWD's flaws are constantly taking me out of the world whereas I was in Hell's Kitchen for an hour at a time without interruption. DD may well have been

I'm struggling with something. One of the best episodes of Daredevil was written by the person who wrote this episode of FTWD which to me made increasingly less sense. No one is doing anything remotely plausible or behaving like a rational person. I can't tell if I'm a hater of if this show is just really poorly