
Wait, so you can just make a show that's already on the air but just switch one detail?
This is Grace & Frankie down to the sweater-wearing non-threatening adoptive black guy.

Whoever's cutting the pilot promos came from the Tyler Perry School of Broadcasting. I hope it improves as you assert.

I'm really interested in your comments about Whedon etc. I enjoyed what I saw of Buffy, Angel, Firefly and flaws notwithstanding I loved both Avengers films but I've heard Whedon dismissed as a one-trick pony wherein everyone is a snarky badass and every scene is just an excuse to trade quips. But I've never not had

I largely agree with you. Perhaps the hindsight explanation would be that she misinterpreted what he was saying? "A lot of blood" to her meaning someone was slashed or stabbed and there was a big puddle of it when what he actually saw was a body's worth of viscera from a half-eaten walking corpse? I don't know about

Is throwing a bunch of B-list actors supposed to make me want to play Quantum Break now?

Wow! I love how Molina took the mic fling in disgust move for his portrayal.

To me it was like seeing an analog version of Fox News.

So much Springsteen!

"A really a gritty sci-fi story. It was a dark, futuristic buddy cop
movie, but where one of the buddies just happened to be a dinosaur."

The existence of an entire website dedicated to pointing out the woeful absence of people of color in mainstream entertainment should definitively answer any "curiosity" about representation.

Oh, ffs. It was made by WB an American film company and takes place in a PRETEND version of the UK. You seem to have no problem overlooking the fact that black people have a long history of existing in and around the world even back to medieval Europe. All that to say, black people populating a fictional UK is not

It's not a British film. It's an American film that takes place in a fictional realm presumably located in the UK. We know it's fictional not because it involves magic but because it depicts a world where people of color do not substantively exist.

Oh, only a few thousand human beings kidnapped from their home and forcibly worked to death? I was worried for nothing.

It's been a while since my European History class but I seem to recall something about someone shipping thousands of black people to England for a couple centuries.

Lots of people care. Not you, obviously, but you're a fucking douche so, you know, who cares?

Are white people determine to ruin everything? He asked rhetorically.

This review perfectly illustrates the problem with this season: pretentious cineastes pleasuring themselves to AFI's 100 Must See Films Before You Die.

I know one can walk and chew bubble gum at the same time but this kind of this bothers me and is bad for the artform. Meaning, network's tendency to say "Hey, he's a genius, let's have him do all the shows." TV is hard. Having an artist, however talented, split their attention on multiple projects means one will

"Rights-sustaining contractual obligation fulfilled!"

"Antioch, Oberlin, and Sarah Lawrence" have athletes? Just kidding. Sort of. Try hanging on on game day at any SEC school.