
What is this Anglo Escobar bullshit? I thought the show was at least going to be about Oberyn fighting the cartels. Instead it's fucking the Opie & Andy show in Cabo. Why do they always have to center the story around the earnest, doe eyed white guy?

I'm actually taking steps to address the problem in my professional and personal life so no, you can't. Nice derailment though.

"That's just the way it is" has justified for much of our nation's history (and continues to justify) most of the worst of America.

That's the type of intellectual cowardice that maintains the status quo. I alluded to the immediate positive financial impact of diversity in media and your answer was, in effect, "corporations want to make money now so it makes sense to not make money now by not doing the thing we just proved makes money now."?

I've not made an emotional plea one way or the other re: watching the show or not. I've made a simple observation that despite 50 plus years of TV history, continuing cries to make art that more authentically mirrors reality and, more recently, the unprecedented success of media featuring wildly diverse casts, there

Mash 1972-83: bunch of white people
Dallas 1978-91 bunch of white people
LA Law 1986-94 bunch of white people and Blair Underwood
St. Elsewhere 1982-88 bunch of white people and Denzel Washington
Zoo 2015!- bunch of white people and that one guy from Game of Thrones.

Nurse Cratchet mean.

If Tormund suggests Elders get gathered for some quiet talking you best be russlin up some goddamn Elders.

tl;dr Is WP basically the video game Alan Wake?

Am I the only one who wishes Wesley Snipes was The Player and not the Human Jaw the got to hold his gun to the side while shooting?

Hypothesis confirmed.

Skye was the biggest waste of space…until that shootout. Holy Badass! TeamSkyeFTW

"You absolutely do not get to drink for free.” That one cut the deepest.

Yes, POC are always actively searching for racism because it was so thoroughly eradicated by the War on Drugs that it's almost like slavery never happened. That's why I'm always sure to reach for my waistband anytime I see a police officer so he'll be sure to want to detain and/or shoot me. And I can't tell you how

The problem is white being the default. Nobody forced them to cast mostly white actors starting out. They chose to do that without a real rationale. None of the main cast were stars before this show and arguably the show hasn't made them bigger starts beyond the show. So from jump non-white characters are at a

Literally screaming after that scene. "You've been dead to me for centuries". Ooh! Right in the Feels!

Amazing. No matter what: half the people will love it and the other half will hate it no matter what it is. This was the first episode I felt like someone being forced to listen to Boyd bleat on and on instead of just enjoying his lyricism but that could have been from just wanting him to shoot Ava or not.

Given the Kafkaesque absurdity of real people's reactions to Mike Brown, Trayvon Martin et al I can't see how any fictional scenario strains credulity. The cop's respectability rant is just projected id. I've no trouble believing that's a conversation Darren Wilson and his ilk have had inside their heads or to

I never been to a SuperMax prison either… js