
Thank you! No one on the show talks like a real human person. They're all TV Trope entries. Sullen Teen, Earnest Adolescent, Grizzled Kook, Local Quip Generator. These are the kind of characters that people who've not talked to a real person in fifteen years come up with. Full of talented actors spouting nonsense. Two

Donald Trump is anti-flash white.

Like, why fam? Why are black people co-signing this? If it was there idea, if the take was going to be rooted in an authentic, unfiltered black experience MAYBE. But having two white guys tell you your ideas are good but not using them? I don't get why those two black writers are involving themselves in this, aside

all of the lolz

I mean, I get it. But Jordan can't go home to his white wife to, "So at the end when you shot Becky in the face with a hunting rifle? What was that about?" Peele is black but he's also a husband. #peaceinourtime

I can't fault anyone for their preferences and I live BBT too (he was great in Fargo). I get that it's TV but the only reason women spend time with ugly, broken down old men is when they're rich, at least in my limited experience.

He ain't wrong.

That was the last straw for me. He's like 80 and supposedly a terrible drunk. There's no way his dick would work. There's no way a woman empathetic enough to plead for justice for her dead relative would hop in bed with a sack of shit like Billy McBride within two hours of meeting him.

Either David Kelly is this bad or it's true he would always just put his name on everything.

How do you watch a show out of order?

Shout out to Smooth Magazine!

Black GIs had their plasma segregated in WW2. White people would risk death before risking contamination by black blood. Aint nothing changed.

"leap out of their bodies into their “astro” form,"


Holy Mother of Shit.

There is no part of any of this I do not hate with the burning heat of a million suns.

It's weird how racism can be unambiguous even with an obviously mentally disturbed person. Like, they're not competent to stand trial or live a life but they still know they're white. The crazy doesn't erase that part.

That was a really thoughtfully written exploration of generic sexism. It's not economically viable to put a show featuring black people on TV by the logic espoused in this piece yet Empire, Black-ish, Grey's, Scandal, HTGAWM exist to broad and lucrative acclaim. It's television. Nobody knows what audiences will

I really enjoyed this ep. And I continue to love Kara Danvers. I really did think it was good. Even when Barry brought ice cream which wouldn't melt as he ran with it at super speed because why? And Kara's sweater wasn't burned because how and none of the people standing around watching a superhero fight were injured

Stopped at redlight maybe 12 years ago. Person crossing intersection stops opens passenger side door and gets in asking for a ride to the diner up the street. I oblige only because it's Andy Dick and I loved News Radio.