
My downfall is "whiskers aren't perfectly straight, probably a slut" like holy shit just reading that I started laughing again omgggg I had just stopped.

I think what kills me the most is "Would Not Pet."

It would have been great if I had someone, anyone, there to explain to me that I can have feelings about myself that are unrelated to the feelings boys have about me.

I'm assuming the people who prefer 'Guys Who Take Their Dicks Out On The Subway' over 'Binge Watching' are the actual guys who take their dicks out on the subway?

Can we seriously talk about the fact that it's not like teen boys have no issues of their own? I'm raising one and he feels every bit as self conscious and scared and weird as I did as a teen girl. The difference is he isn't allowed by society to show it or he will be called gay and a pussy only further demeaning him.

i just want to say right now that i love every single one of you who voted for meetings

Thanks, I just realized that in my previous life as an associate in a big law firm, I would have chosen a billable meeting over sex any day of the week.

Can't we argue that binge-watching is barely on the IRL side here?

I was hot in high school. I got hit on all the time. I was exactly what boys thought was attractive. I still didn't feel attractive, and I felt shitty and ungrateful about that.

Right? Having been a teenage boy fairly recently, if I was told "You have to talk about what you find most attractive in a woman in front of a group of teenage girls, to fix their self esteem issues. Don't fuck this up." I would have been scared shitless.

That's going to be heartwarming. "Hey, baby, don't feel bad about how you look. I want to jizz all over your tits just the way they are."

I'm going to approach this from the other direction and say that in addition to everything else that's been said, it would ALSO be putting an unreasonable expectation on teenage boys to be responsible for managing the feelings of teenage girls, in addition to their own. Like, what the fuck?

This expert basically wants to institute the "2/10 would not bang" meme to help girls. Jesus. Not gonna post actual 2/10 about a woman, here's a cat one to give you the idea (and because it's awesome):

new school uniform

Trick question, because no boners are important

Maybe instead we could work on divorcing the notion of a person's worth from their physical attractiveness?

Yes, by all means, let's continue to perpetuate the idea that a girl is only worth how attractive she is to random men. Forget loving yourself, ladies. Only male opinions on your attractiveness matter. Honestly, it's good to tell girls this in high school so they don't get any dangerous ideas about thinking for

Perfect. Then how about telling teen boys to shut the fuck up about other people's bodies.

or idk, try teaching girls that they shouldn't give a fuck about High School Bro Boners?

"Hello teen boy, what about girls do you find attractive?"


"This wasn't very helpful."