
I have switched to embroidery and I am never looking back!

Fuck with the station. It's such a passive aggressive dick move, but 100% necessary in this case.

Particularly combined with the line "health insurgence", which makes me feel like it's revolutionary countercultural healthcare, and thus probably very hemp-centric :)

ETA: No judgment on typos, my typing is a train wreck. They just coalesced awesomely here.

I'm glad you were warned and had other options.

I was warned of this before going to my school's counseling center and for that exact reason decided not to go. I was suffering panic attacks and was told that the school could use my session as a reason to not let me re-enroll after I took some time off to deal with my illness . I am fortunate enough to have heath

Is the video not working for anyone else? I AM BEING DENIED A SURLY BADGER.

I KNOW!!!! So many questions, beyond the obvious "why won't he go away?" - why is he wearing the creepiest old man PJs on earth? Did he steal them from Hugh Hefner? Why does he not seem to be able to understand how one holds a telephone? Rotary phone? It's like he has an 80-year-old prop master, whom he called and

Perhaps if we build a large wooden badger...


Exactly what I was thinking. Why the fuck does he continue to insert his ugly, raping, woman-abusing personage into the public's face?

I'm going to make a porno called "Mrs. Cleaver's Beaver" now

So basically, he doesn't have a PR person. And if he does, they should be finished.

That's because you're not a raging psychopath, dear.

The "wonderful video message filled with laughter" appears to be a rapist wearing pajamas, talking to no one (on a rotary [?] phone) insisting he will be "hilarious."

What is striking to me is how cruel this is - either intentionally or unintentionally so (but I tend to lean towards intentional). You know have over 3 dozen women who have come forward publicly to accuse this man of rape, sexual assault or some other crime. And despite his advanced age and copious wealth (meaning he

So. I want to say "fuck this guy." Except that is the OPPOSITE of what I want. Of what a lot of women wanted. And he assaulted them anyways.

Why is it always rapists and abusers who think their lives are so goddamn wholesome? Like, I've never fucking raped a human being (and never fucking would because I'm not a goddamn garbage person) and I wouldn't go on national TV to talk about how I'm fucking Mrs. Goddamn fucking Cleaver.

'I'm Far From Finished!'

Give what we now know, "I'm far from finished" sounds less like an affirmation and more like a threat phoned into the police by a serial offender.