
Alright everybody, Circus Performer here. I have been performing in various shows/circuses/theaters for about 8 years now, and I have a few points to make. Are there people in the circus business who mistreat their animals? Absolutely. Do I think that exotic animals should be allowed to live in sanctuaries and not

I hate circuses so much. 10 years ago I remember have to write these stupid ads of the circus travelling around the area. They had an elephant and it was the main point of the ad.

You're joking, right? The center for "conservation" is a breeding facility. A while back a bunch of pictures came out of baby elephants being forcibly separated from their mothers in order to start training to do all these stupid tricks, never mind the psychological trauma sustained.

Everyone should pump the brakes on getting excited about B&B phasing elephants out of the circus until we're sure SeaWorld doesn't spitefully buy the used elephants and toss them in the orca tanks.

I mean at Seaworld the car park is larger than the Orca tanks, how the heck they think that's an acceptable way to keep them I have no clue.

I've been to the circus exactly once in my adult life, and never will again. Not until they remove all the animals from the show and it becomes something akin to Cirque du Soleil- I have no issues with humans risking their lives on tightropes for my entertainment, because they choose to be there. Animals? Not so much.

When they retire elephants there, it's still only after a harsh, inhumane life of mistreatment. That's not doing anything.

I remember being about 10 years old and feeling a profound sadness because of the animals at the circus. These days, that sadness extends to the zoo as well, because our hot desert is home to polar bears and other cold climate critters. Humans can have a blind spot when it comes to animal wellness, especially when it

I know PETA is an unpopular group on Jezebel, but it should be noted that this is a PETA victory more than anything else. They've had multiple full time staff travelling around the country organizing locals and distributing materials for Ringling protests continually for over a decade. Just wanted to say something

If they really have good intentions, they'd do the following:

I viciously judge people who see nothing wrong with going to the circus. There, I said it. I've even gotten into a heated debate with my own mother about how the elephants are treated. She now donates to an elephant sanctuary, I won that argument.

I hope so. I still feel a pang of sadness when I remember the tiger I saw at a roadside sort of zoo I went to years ago without realizing what it would be like. I'd only been to accredited zoos growing up (thanks mom and dad!), and was totally shocked when I got into this place. The tiger was their largest animal, and

That scene scarred me for life. And made me cry at the circus.

I feel worse for the tigers they use in the show. I went with my kids to a show in July and they must have had 15-20 tigers. Tigers aren't lions and don't live in prides. They are much more solitary and when they are in 20x20 cages with two or three other tigers they constantly fight. It was sad to see.

Good! Teach your kids about empathy for all other living things, human and nonhuman, and show them how live in a way that aligns with their values. I hear so many people say things like, "I kind of feel bad for the whales, but Sea World is just so awesome." It's like nobody ever taught them how to make the leap from

God bless elephants. They're so smart and they suffer such cruelty. I hate all violence, specifically violence against animals, but violence against such a strong, smart and emotional creature is unfathomable to me. They mourn their dead for heaven's sake. I just love elephants... I'm glad they are phasing them out of

Fuck those guys and their bags of lies. None of that money would go to the elephants. They've been torturing these animals for years and years. Also, does this mean the other animals (lions, tigers, and bears oh my) will also be freed?

So presumably, they will also soon be phasing out big cat acts as well. And hopefully flying horse acts because you know those things are endangered (there's a Ringling Bros. poster at my job featuring a Pegasus straight out of She-Ra). I know they've done away with their 'unicorn' from back in the day.

"All of the resources used to fight these things can be put towards the elephants," Feld said during an interview at the Center for Elephant Conservation. "We're not reacting to our critics; we're creating the greatest resource for the preservation of the Asian elephant."

Thank you.