
Imagine if any store, such as a gas station, required you to pay a fee to buy gas from them.

Essentially, that’s what the cable companies are doing.

Don’t know how common this is.

Jewel Foods, whose owners also own other grocery stores, can not control the temperature in the stores.

That is totally controlled out of Denver.

Actually don’t have a land line.

Okay, bias up front. While I have never worked on the produce side of the business, I have spent over 35 years on the ingredient side selling ingredients to the major food manufacturers.

There are laws in place that require food manufacturers to be able to trace any ingredient (and its components) back to where they

So WHEN is the “Do Not Call List” going to be enforced? Even the local businesses in this area ignore it. Yesterday it was a call from a roofing company in the area.

Sorry, but no one should be able to call someone with “No Caller ID”.

Let it go to voicemail.

Simply put, you have to agree to confidentiality BEFORE you trade emails. Someone can’t send you and email and tell you that it’s confidential.

I was working on a breed specific amendment that one jerk councilman for the city of Elgin, IL was trying to push through.

I had sent him a couple of emails questioning some of

I love the program. I’ve got three of their books.

I’ve also never seen anything with such a focus on money.

During the program, they talk about the recipes they are doing being available on their website for free. Sure they are. Try getting a recipe from six months ago without paying.

With the three books that I have,

So it’s time to eliminate coverage of politicians?
When was the last time you heard a politician focus on saying something positive they were going to do rather than rant about how bad things are?

One comment and one question.

I’m an amateur ornithologist. Do some bird watching around O’Hare and familiar with some things about birds and aircraft when I was in the AF.

It doesn’t take a very big bird to cause issues when they get sucked into an aircraft engine. Landing isn’t the issue as much as takeoff.

Do drones

Notice that they don’t mention the cost.

So far most of AT&T’s alternatives in my area have been at almost the same price.

Wikipedia as a source for medical information? Don’t think so.

“. . . CO2 is lighter . . . “ In this case the temperature inversion did NOT ALLOW the CO2 to rise.

“. . . easily dispersed by the wind.” Try looking up the temperature inversion and its affects. The temperature inversion PREVENTED everything from being

And you’re sure of that because?

Carbon emissions create CO2. Correct?

Humans cannot breath only high levels of CO2 and live. Correct?

CO2 is heavier than oxygen. Correct?

When the temperature inversion happened, it caused the “Fog”. That prevented not only the particulate matter to not disperse, but it also forced the

Think that humans can’t change the climate with carbon emissions.

Look up the London Fog of 1952.

Because of carbon emissions from the use of coal for heating, 4,000 people died and over 100,000 were sickened. The “fog” lasted less than one week.

I’m anal about my knives. THE problem that I’ve seen with doing this is that the angle is pretty important. Even in the video he changes the angle. The “right” angle? Really how does he know?

I use a Lansky system which keeps the knife at a specific angle.

Recently either Lifehacker or Gizmodo ran a piece about

Thanks for demonstrating your ability to discuss issues as an adult.

What part of returning because of the imminent death of a relative don’t you understand?

See, here’s the reverse. If you buy a non-refundable ticket, most times, it’s just that. Non-refundable. If the above had happened with a non-refundable ticket,

MILES had ZERO to do with it.

Someone was dying.

It’s sort of why people going to funerals and getting to hospitals for the dying DO get priorities.

If you knew how to READ, you’d realize that the mileage comment was made about people not knowing the airline rules.

Um. Let’s see. Someone was DYING. It has NOTHING to do with the number of miles I flew.

If you check the airline rules, in situations such as this, those people are supposed to get priority.

There’s a reason for that.

If YOU were trying to get home before someone passed away you wouldn’t want the airlines to give you

I used to fly 100,000+ every year for maybe 5 years.

There are LOTS of rules that the airlines have, and some that are legal requirements for the airlines, that they don’t inform their passengers of.

This isn’t a requirement, but one that truly ticked me off given the “level” I was at.

I was in KC. I got informed that

Link now takes you to downloading iTunes.

Sorry, but my magnetic knife holder is under the cabinets on a wall. I can’t imagine anywhere on a cabinet surface that I would consider safe for putting knives that couldn’t easily get knocked off.

You certainly wouldn’t put them on the inside of the door.

Good idea though.