

You claim to have 25 years training experience.

Why is it that when you do a search with your name and dog training, nothing comes up?

One last remark.

For the most part, do NOT go to pet stores for dog training. The majority of their trainers have simply watched a video. If a problem comes up that wasn’t in that video, they have no idea what to do.

Unless you are at the top of the food chain, you don’t make any money. Most trainers volunteer at dog clubs to teach and don’t make anything.

The LAST person I’d go to for training, because of his lack of knowledge and experience is the author.

Guess you missed this part of the article.

“I actually didn’t even have any dogs growing up. I always wanted one, but my parents didn’t like pets. I got Toby about a year before I joined DogVacay. I watched the Dog Whisperer religiously and read Cesar Milan’s books on raising and training dogs. Following his techniques

Thanks. I saw that when it came out. Cesar and his pack leader nonsense.

Consistently, articles have been written, and I’ve dealt with food guarding and various levels of fear and aggression.

You don’t have to be a behaviorist to know that if you’ve got a fear situation, or an aggression situation, that if you treat

Let’s see. We’ll start off with the credentials. Judge (obedience and tracking) for the American Kennel Club and the Australian Shepherd Club of America. Have literally put over 100 titles on my own dogs. I also have TAUGHT obedience (and tracking) for nearly 30 years. While my degrees are in biology and chemistry, I

So far not only have I not had any problems, but some of my programs are actually working better and much faster.

Google Maps. Haven’t used our Garmins since Google Maps came out.

One HUGE fault with the app. You can NOT plot out a trip via Google Maps on your desktop/laptop and then transfer that route to your iPhone.

Interestingly though. I had looked up a restaurant and directions. IT appeared on my phone.


According to JAMA, in 2000. There were 12,000 deaths in the US due simply to unnecessary surgery. That does not include the deaths due to doctor error.

12,000 in one year, albeit 15 years ago, vs. 144 in 15 year (ironically they started in 2000).

I’ll stand by the robots every day of the week over doctors doing

According to ProPublica - Number of deaths caused by hospitals in 2010. 180,000.

I’ll take my chances with the robots.

More (read expensive) monitoring needed? Why. It’s 10 deaths per year vs. 180,000 deaths per year.

How many times have we heard that DOCTORS need to be better monitored and removed and yet nothing gets

So how many machines that add Windows 10 are still going to be able to use it a decade from now if Microsoft starts dropping support for some machines?

You could upgrade and find out a year from now that you’re no longer supported, i.e. you’re forced into buying a new machine.

I used to fly 100,000/year for quite a few years. I’m 6’1” tall. Except for when I was upgraded, want to know what I think of coach seating? WHY they even allow those seats to recline is beyond me. The first thing on takeoff and landing is to put your seat back UP.

As someone else said. Evacuation? Good luck.

Happened in the US a long time ago.

To prove he was even dumber, he was using a BB gun to shoot the balloons so he could land.

Try asking anyone who has animals, young kids, ex-veterans and anyone else who doesn’t enjoy waiting until 2:00 AM in order to go to sleep what they think about your need to demonstrate that the only way you can prove what a narcissist you are.

Three weeks ago the morons in this neighborhood started. Since I’ve lived

Forget the bill.

What’s going to stop the anti-vaccination people is parents who lose a child due to their exposure to an anti-vaccine kid.

Take away ALL of their assets and watch how quickly this movement starts to die. (pun intended)

Or a bunch of old hippies.

Truck Nutz. Please look up the term in logic know as false equivalency.

There is nothing that is comparable to racism with that. Racism goes well beyond the concept of simply being offensive to some. Apparently something you don’t understand.

No one has been hung, burned alive, etc. because of Truck Nutz.

Apple can

How many of you KNOW what the advantages and disadvantages of your competitor’s products are?

Cheaper? Poorer quality? Horrible customer service? Missed deliveries.

How many of you know the top two things that are most important to your customer? Look at the aforementioned.

I’ve sold products at a higher price simply

One of the issues is that current customers don’t really know what the average rate in their area is. And if you ask them, you truly get a song and dance.

Imagine picking up a whole chicken at the grocery store and no one knowing what the price was until they checked out and that everyone’s price was different.


Apparently I’m in the minority.

Got the Mercur. Initially got one of those deals off of Amazon, 100 blades with about 7 or so different types of blade.

I gave each type of blade a week or so, and tried at least three of each type of blade.

No matter which blade I used, I ended up nicking myself nearly all of the time.


Apparently I’m in the minority.

Got the Mercur. Initially got one of those deals off of Amazon, 100 blades with about