
After many, many miles of air travel.

If you can do it, only take maybe two days of clothes with you. Send the rest by UPS, or FedEx. It's a LOT less likely to get lost.

Sure it's an extra cost, but you don't have to deal with getting it at the terminal and chances are that it's going to show up, or there's a better

I work in the food ingredient industry. I spent 15 years selling flavors. Trained taste test panels are something that every major food manufacturer uses. You think that Kraft isn't worried about some generic tasting as good as Miracle Whip? They have tens of millions invested in the brand. (BTW. I hate the stuff.)


Failing an obedience class versus never going to one?

At least they went.

BTW. And please don't take this personally, it isn't meant that way. I teach the highest level of obedience that you can compete at. My #1 rule of dog training? "You have to be smarter than the dog."


Sorry, but the statistics on seat belts prove you incorrect.

Obedience lessons!

More dogs are abandoned because they aren't trained for all other reasons.

I'm a judge for the AKC. I judge what many of you would consider Search and Rescue work if you saw it. When I judge (about 14 times/year), I'll be outside in a Forest Preserve for about 10 hours on Saturday and ten hours on Sunday. No matter what the weather.

While Gortex jackets, etc. will work for me, I've never had

Keep in mind that many times when you rent tools, you're going to get a tool that is better for the job.

Example. Although I do have a post hole digger, if I had to dig 20 holes, I'm sure as heck not going to use that.

I'm 66.

These games of chicken have been going on since the Eisenhower administration.

They only rely on those numbers sort of.

I've got a 1981 Triumph TR8. It's a show winning car in impeccable shape. NADA values the car in fair shape at $8,000.00. Mine is worth about $15,000.00 No dealer would give you more than about $6,000.00 for the car.

Thank you!

I had one of these infect my machine. It was from sports station on the West Coast. Even when you closed the page, you'd still get the audio.

Needless to say, if you wrote the site, you got no reply.

Crick vs. muscle spasm.

I've only had one in my life. It felt as if my neck was (painfully) attached to my shoulder.

Trip to the doctor, injection, and heavy duty painkillers are the only way to solve the problem.

No problem with kids after the parents have made the decision.

We saved a dog. Small, fluffy type. We were trying to find a home for him. One of my friends said that his family was interested. They brought the 9 year old daughter along. As soon as she walked in the door, the decision was made. The dog could have had 3


There's a difference between an obedience dog and an obedient dog. When I teach beginner and puppy classes, they are for pet owners who could care less about competitive obedience. That being said, I guarantee that my two current dogs are much more obedient than any of your dogs have ever been. Current dogs

Let's see. I've TAUGHT obedience for 35+ years to over 4,000 people. I've earned the top AKC and ASCA obedience titles available, as have my students. Ditto for Canada. I've had therapy dogs and tracking dogs. I've worked with police departments helping them train their dogs. I've done protection work with dogs. I've

"All it usually tells you is that the dog is inbred . . . "

Sorry, but you have no idea what you're talking about. Probably 95%+ purebred dogs are out crosses.

Very, very few breeders (and over 35 years, my wife have had a total of THREE litters) keep track of all of the puppies that they've sold. Yes, they're

I've taught obedience for 35+ years. Many of those years I worked with some of the top obedience competitors and had top obedience competitors as students. I typically always did puppy and beginner classes.

Milan has done MORE to screw up more dogs and has set back the good training methods than anyone in the last 50

#1 - Yes, I am a dog judge. Both for the American Kennel Club and the Australian Shepherd Club of America.
#2 - For the vast majority of people dogs from shelters are a great choice.
#3 - Not mentioned, also look into breed rescues. Many of the more popular breeds such as Labs, run breed rescues.
#4 - I can not


If this guy stood face to face with her while others were around, it's viewed as a criminal act.

I'm from Chicago. Maybe 5 years ago, a guy threatened a federal judge in a letter, but also in letters to friends of his trying to incite them into attacking her. Jail.

Finally. I don't know for certain, but my

A very old saying. "If it's not broke, don't fix it."

We have a dentist who I consider extremely excellent from a technical perspective.

Some time ago, I was experiencing a pain in my lower jaw. After probing and poking, x-rays and other things, he couldn't come up with a definitive diagnosis of what was wrong. That

Some times. Not an absolute.

That being said, the unemployment number is more indicative of the types of criteria the above is using to evaluate the situation.

There are numerous areas throughout the country where welfare is chronically high. Slums, but also many rural areas throughout the country.