
I have no financial interest in this.

If you're a real foodie and want to "take it up a notch", get the book "The Flavor Bible".

It goes into spices, etc., but it also goes into ingredients such as scallops.

Up front. There are no recipes in the book. This is list after list of what goes with what.

Many of the

Let's see. I respond to things such as this without a lot of thought into sentence structure, etc. since it's not going to customers.

I work in a very technical part of the food industry.

For the last 8 years, I've averaged over $150,000.00/year. Prior to that, I worked in food ingredient sales, including as a

I'll add two more.

Responsibilities versus accomplishments. Every plumber knows how to replace a faucet. A potential employer wants to know how your faucet replacing skill are better (i.e. going to make the employer more money).

White space. As mentioned above, you're limiting the number of pages. That makes the space

Ever go to a site such as Monster? How many jobs do you look at before you find one that you might apply for?

Look at listing your resume on LinkedIn and getting spam as the same thing.

Sure you might get 20 - 50 pieces of spam. But then again, you might get that ONE job solicitation that might be real.


As a recruiter, it amazes me how many people will list their address as their only point of contact on their resume.

As for those of you worried about spam.

In case you're not aware, if costs recruiters to send people emails if their email address is not listed on LinkedIn.

Worried about spam? Just one more person I

When are the major networks going to get a clue?

Last year, Time Warner cutoff CBS broadcasts to their cable customers until CBS agreed to Time Warner's demands. You'd think that would have been a wake up call to all broadcasters, but especially to the majors.

I can't imagine most people not wanting to totally drop

I won't buy cookbooks as e-books. They just don't work. They haven't made them where the recipes are easily accessible.

One thing I've never heard.


How many trees are cut down every year to print all of these books?

Love all the comments about the government, etc.

A couple of weeks ago there was some jerk going through the local grocery store using an e-cigarette.

Sorry, but screw you if you think that the majority of people want you exhaling your garbage over my food.

BTW. I've also turned in a couple of morons who've walked

Sorry, but I disagree with the comment that college grads make more money.

I'm a recruiter in the food ingredient industry. The industry is dominated primarily by jobs for people with highly technical backgrounds. Perhaps 95% of the jobs I see fall into that category. The exception is for sales types.

I think the BIG

Think of the personality of someone who knows about smoking laws, but then pushes the envelope by feeling that e-cigarettes should be treated differently than regular cigarettes.

I ran into this with an a**hole at the local grocery store recently. In fact confronted him about it and he put it away.

If you get shut down on money, don't just walk away.

Ask for an extra day of vacation. Essentially, try to come away with something.

Keep in mind also that extra money has to go through a budget process, etc. An extra day of vacation doesn't show up on a spread sheet.

Try looking a little closer at Glassdoor. Try to find a company that has a lot of ratings, but is still rated middle of the road. Then look to see if the company has a LOT of ratings from current employees. Then notice the ratings of previous employees vs. current employees.

Glassdoor is telling employers to have their

Warning about Glassdoor.

I'm a recruiter and Glassdoor is a site that I used to recommend to candidates. I found the reviews there pretty accurate. As an aside, I spent 30 years selling products in my industry, so I was pretty familiar with many companies that would get reviews.

About six months ago, Glassdoor started

I won't even go into the Soylent scam.

I sold freeze dried food industrially for about 4 years.

One HUGE problem with the stuff is that it absorbs water like mad. Once it does, the texture becomes extremely gummy. Kelloggs has tried two times that I know of to put freeze dried fruit (strawberries and bananas) into

Mr. Johnson might consider this eating well, but this is hardly a balanced diet and I have a hard time believing that he's getting 21 meals out of that haul.

Taxes are not even close to market economics. Something that Republican presidents and governors have NEVER understood since Hoover first tried it during the Great Depression and we saw how it solved that problem.

So please explain to me how lowering tax rates INCREASES total overall tax revenue. It has NEVER happened.

Slightly off subject, but this concept actually saved me from losing about $12,000.00 in bonus.

Company I was working for was shutting down operations in the US. We had gone past the date when bonuses were supposed to be paid out. My ***hole boss decided to stiff me on my bonus saying that I hadn't earned it (it was

Now playing

Sorry, but here's my Great Aunt in about 1910. She did stunts that no one had ever done before. All WITHOUT any harness, ropes, etc. If she fell, she died. Lived to a ripe old age. Her memorabilia is at the San Diego air museum.

Look up the kid's toy SpiroGraph.


You leave out DUCT TAPE?