
I'm a recruiter who had a career in sales, including being a hiring manager.

This is probably the #1 error that I see people make. You were responsible for chairing . . . Well so were 1,000s of other people. What made you BETTER than the 1,000s of other people who did the same job? Employers are looking for those


Have never understood why service providers can't be forced to shut down flagrant violators of the Do not call list.

To me it seems as if you keep getting the same recommendations over and over again. Have gone to other things to even find out what Netflix has to offer.

Love the service, hate the interface.

Okay, a caveat. I've been a recruiter for 8 years. I also spent nearly 30 years selling products in my industry of expertise. I only work on jobs in that industry.

Glassdoor - For me, I will refer candidates to Glassdoor, but I've found that it has become like YELP, when it comes to bogus reviews. You'll especially

You have to wonder at what point businesses are going to start balking at these types of things.

Unbelievable that companies can strangle productivity while the rest of the world is passing us by.

The more this goes on, the more incentive there is for others to get into the market.

Imagine if the only cars out there

I understand that, but . . .

I used to do a lot of running. My wife has relatives who live in rural, central Wisconsin.

So how would you react if three dogs, that were loose came running up to you barking?

The dogs might be the greatest dogs in the world, but if you don't know the dogs, you've a very short time period

At one time my wife and I had 9 Rottweilers in our house. They all got fed at the same time.

One of the LAST things you want with ANY dog is one that protects its food from other animals, OR what typically develops, PEOPLE.

I stand by the comment. You've got a disaster waiting to happen.

I've taught obedience for 35+

Guns should be banned? Shows how much you know about me.

Let me give you some background when it comes to "guard" dogs.

#1 - I am an AKC tracking judge and an ASCA tracking and obedience judge.
#2 - My wife and I raised and trained Rottweilers for 25 years. You might have seen a couple of my dogs on TV.
#3 - For over 20

Didn't know him before your question. The bio that I found on him says that his background (degree) is in electrical engineering and computer science. In 2012 he founded a communications company. In 2013 he started Soylent.

From what I can see, he's no more qualified to be talking about foods that contain 100% of need

"Natural" and "Organic" are two odd balls. Part of it is because they're still evolving. In some cases, it's also because science is always ahead of the laws.

I was Dir. of Sales & Marketing for the first fish oil to get FDA approval for use in food.

We had Kosher approval and obviously natural. We then tried to get

Since my other post was rather long, I didn't want to have two different points in the same post.

DSHEA - This is the law that covers supplements, etc.

There is a HUGE difference that most people don't know when it comes to labeling.

If the item is a food, the regulations are pretty strict when it comes to labeling.

Okay, I'm going to take your sister site to task for doing the exact same thing that you say is wrong.

Melissa wrote an article, 5/1/14, on non-dairy creamers.

Since I work in the food ingredient industry, I was interested in the article. First thing I did was to investigate Melissa's credentials. What I found out was

No argument from me. The owner is a PRIME example of individuals who shouldn't own a dog, much less this type of dog.

They're an extension of their manhood, they think.

I've taught obedience for 35+ years, and yes, I'm an AKC and ASCA (Australian Shepherd Club of America) judge.

While I'd say that the dogs are more mongrel than anything purebred it does demonstrate some decent training.

I've taught enough puppy/beginner classes to know that untrained dogs would never allow that to

And if your dog is anything like what you're saying, it should be put down. It's a disaster waiting to happen.

As soon as you get your degree in chemistry, get back to me. It's called cis/trans isomerism

"Both artificial flavors and natural flavors may end up being the same chemical component. The difference in the nomenclature is simply a device used to indicate the source of the initial material."

Do you realize how inane that comment is?

You're correct. Natural benzaldehyde and artificial benzaldehyde are called the

Don't know what's in your foods? Really. For someone who isn't in the industry, how do you have such inside information. Don't let the facts get in your way.

Notice that you didn't comment on heat treating things to develop flavors. Do I have to even ask why?

Orange juice. Try looking up what's known as "standard of

My guess is that you're using a lot of terms you don't even come close to understanding.

So roasting (as happens with coffee beans) is "bad" for you? So heating cocoa beans is "bad" for you?

Apparently you don't cook, or drink milk. Ever hear of pasteurization?

Your orange juice article. Know what oxidation is? Know