
Hydrogen is explosive. Oxygen is flammable. H2O is neither. Care to tell me the studies linking titanium dioxide to Alzheimer?

Could you please give me a source for your comments about TIO2 and it being responsible for Alzheimers, etc. NOT from a blog written by someone with no food background. Something from a SCIENTIST?

As I said, I'd never use the stuff, it's just that I get tired of these inflammatory, scare mongering articles. Especially since about 90% of them are written by people who have no background in chemistry, much less the food industry.

I'll contact Gizmodo. I want to write an article about the nuances of the law.

At one time I sold fish oil for use in food. Oxidation is a HUGE issue. Funny. If you told some people that the fish oil had tocopherols in the fish oil to prevent it from going bad they'd scowl. If you told them that you had vitamin E in the fish oil to prevent it from going bad, they'd smile. When you told them that

It's also very telling that the reference that you note discusses all of the ingredients from a positive slant and not ONE of Melissa's statements about the ingredients come from that reference.

That is only one of her mistakes and deceptions.

What you read is 100% wrong. I sold flavors for 15+ years. The nomenclature is EXTREMELY controlled.

Natural flavor - A flavor that can ONLY be derived from the named plant. So if you've got a strawberry flavor, ALL of the ingredients MUST come from the strawberry plant.
With other natural flavors - ALL of the

I LOVE it when non-food people write articles and have ZERO food ingredient background. We get an article from someone who is a LAWYER NOT a food scientist or even in the food ingredient business.

Why do I get upset? I work in the business and get really tired of the "if it's a chemical, or chemical sounding, it must

So nearly all of these offers have prepaid envelopes enclosed. I've found the easiest way is to write on their offer, "Remove me from your list!" and send it back to them via the prepaid envelope. Since they have to pay extra, and more, to get the prepaid envelope back it usually only takes twice before you get

My favorite of all times.

The company I worked for was going through a huge change and one that wasn't for the better. I was well aware of the fact that all of the sales people who worked for me were looking for jobs.

One morning I opened by emails and found the one salesperson's resume. Her company laptop had gotten a

Google americas test kitchen how to cut noodles. They have instructions on how to cut pasta (noodles) by hand.

I've only been a recruiter for about 8 years. Prior to that, I was in sales for 25+. I used to get lots of calls from recruiters. My suggestion. Recruiters are like employers. There are good ones and bad ones. The best you can do is to talk around and check on their reputations. Some are simply paper pushers only

Buy, but don't keep going back and taking equity out of your house. That's what caused a LOT of people to go belly up during the economic downturn.

We own our house free and clear. Sure we've got maintenance, taxes, etc., but if you were renting, those costs would be built into the cost of your rent or your landlord

I've been waiting for things such as this to start happening since Time Warner cut off CBS last summer.

- New source of revenue
- Reduces the potential blackmail threat viability from the cable companies.

I'm a recruiter.

A couple of remarks.

If you are working through a recruiter (you don't have to), the recruiter should KNOW what the salary range they are working with from the employer. If they don't, they're not doing their job. There are some exceptions, such as when the employer doesn't know what the market is for

Not trying to give you a hard time.

If you look at the pictures, the "planks" have edges on all four sides. She had to have put the paper on something to get those four edges. Even if she had cut the paper into "planks", if she put them on a concrete floor, there's no reason that she'd get that edge.

Look at the

As someone who suffers from depression and who knows quite a few people with depression, for some thyroid medications can end the issue. The medications are a LOT more benign that most of the depression medications.

Okay a couple of things. What the heck do the Portland officials think happens with all of the other water supplies from places such as the Great Lakes?

Next. Apparently Portland has some magic way of keeping all mammals, such as mice and rats from urinating in their water supplies. A LOT more disease from those

With Apple I have had exemplary customer service on everything we've ever bought from them. Even on two items that were out of warranty. Others might have problems, but I can't sing their praises enough. They've saved me close to $800.00.

On the other side, I've recently had one of the worst experiences ever with a

"Um, as a scientist I have to say there is no such thing as a non "GMO" food."

Um, as someone with a degree in chemistry, one in biology and who has worked in the food ingredient industry, I totally disagree.

I was expecting you to make some sort of comment about evolution essentially causing genetic modification,