
Since I've spent a lot of my career as a sales person, I probably have had a lot more new cars than most. Typically I'd get a new business car every other year. Add to that the cars for my wife and myself.

A huge part of buying any car is emotional. Hence the sales of Corvettes. Some people just need that new car fix.


That's what I thought also.

We actually have two spots. Union Station and then the land over the IC/Southshore tracks. Don't remember when the second one was built.

By your logic, and I'm not saying you're wrong, even though the owners of the site KNOW that their site is being used to commit illegal acts, then they aren't responsible for any acts.

Might want to check the legal definition of abetting.

The sites are aiding someone to break the law.

It wasn't shoehorn. With their parameters, I knew that I'd spend a LOT of time getting nowhere. My time is what I sell. I'd probably have worked 40-60 hours and probably not have found someone. Spent on other things, I could place someone making 3 times that amount, ie. 3 times the money for me, and actually be able

One big thing that I've noticed when trying to speed read. Essentially these programs don't allow you to pause. As you say, when you're reading, you sometimes stop to think about a feeling, or a concept, etc.

I've increased my rate probably 50-100%, but have no desire to try to push it further.

I'm a recruiter, having spend 28 years selling food ingredients.

Maybe 1/4th of my time I spend educating companies on what the market for a particular job are getting.

I remember a company in Minneapolis. They wanted a junior QA person. College degree in Food Science and at least 5 years experience. That type of person

If possible you also need to know about the person you are negotiating with.

Multi-million dollar business deal. I had only dealt with this individual once before. This time around I had worked to get him an extremely good price. When I went in, he instantly started trying to get me to lower the price. I finally caught

Well, I had the time to go to the DNC website and I called the FCC Chicago office.

There's no such thing as a one free call rule. Additionally auto dialers still must comply with the DNC. Sorry.

We disagree.

It's my understanding, and I could easily be wrong, that telemarkerters are supposed to check the list before they call a number.

I've had my numbers on the list since it was first established.

As I said, given the number of calls that I get, I have to assume that the Do Not Call List is stopping some of

I may be incorrect, but I've never heard of a one call rule. It's a "Do Not Call" list, not a one call list.

That being said, I can only imagine the number of phone calls that I'd get if I weren't already on that list.

With that in mind, I find that enforcement of the "Do Not Call" list appears to be non-existent.


I've worked in the food ingredient industry for over 30 years. I spent about 15 of those years selling flavors. Never sold oils, but everyone in the industry has heard of the olive oil market "labeling" issues.

My one quibble about the article, and their source for their "defective" remarks is how they came up with

Didn't mention when people think there's a major poop problem only to realize that they ate beets the night before.

I have both. Unless someone has had a different experience everything that I've watched on both is commercial free.

I work in the food ingredient industry.

Unfortunately with many, many things the science isn't always black and white.

You'll read all sorts of things about coffee being bad for you. Yesterday I was reading a magazine article touting the benefits of coffee in elders. Dementia and many other diseases.

The suggested

You didn't specify, but I get the impression that the other jobs are not paying as well because you're going into a different field.

I work in the food ingredient industry. We get food scientists wanting to move into sales all the time. They, rightfully, see the salaries that the sales folks are making versus their


You bring up valid points except for one.

It's easier than you think to find out what the marketplace is for jobs. The easiest resource is other people doing the same job, or hiring managers you may have bumped into. Don't do it at your current company. Your co-employees aren't going to tell you that.

Talk to

As a recruiter, I am well aware of the salary range before I ever start a search. Let's say the candidate is earning $75,000.00 The salary range for the job tops out at $125,000.00. (I deal in a field where everyone is professionals.)

Despite the fact that the person is currently earning $75,000.00, candidates will

Are your salary expectations realistic?

I'm a recruiter. Can't tell you the number of people who go into a job search mode and think that they're going to get a 25% bump in salary.

Unless you have significantly increased your job skills, that isn't going to happen.

Not a preservative.

Water. Responsible for thousands of deaths every year from people drowning.

Actually, trying using Sherry vinegar. Balsamic vinegars are all over the map when it comes to taste.