
Sign up for it.

I've looked at some of the places they currently serve and the coverage maps.

Based on those maps, it would seem that they should offer coverage to at least the six county Chicago area and Lake County Indiana as a minimum.

Software that works when it's release?

Nah. That's a fantasy.

I've tried a couple of these. Admittedly, I live 35 miles from Chicago, in an area with a lot of trees, and at a grade maybe 10 feet lower than the road.

My caution is if you're going to buy one of these antennae that you make sure you can return if it doesn't work.

It appears that streaming Aereo, when it finally gets


#1 - The collapse of the Soviet Union was not caused by our military build up. Might want to do some research on the Soviet economy at that time.
#2 - Our military has been spending more money that the rest of the world combined for decades (almost). So at what point are we spending too much money? 2X the rest of the

Yep. When you've got a blank check, it's easy to find a lot of potential ghosts to fight.

Let's see. I served in the AF from '67 to '71. I got to see first hand ridiculous DOD spending.

We are one of the few countries that have two absolutely wonderful natural means of protection. They're called oceans.

I'm a history buff. Before WW I, WW II, the Korean War, and to some degree Vietnam, the country tried to

And the F22 is a plane without a mission. Couldn't be used in Iraq.

Another example of the Defense Department having WAY TOO MUCH money to spend. We're building things based on rumors.

BINGO. That's the set!

I'm older and love to cook. When we were first married, we "invested" in some very high end "non-stick" pans. Worse "investment" we ever made. Still were able to use them, but they were never "non-stick".

A year and a half ago, perhaps longer, America's Test Kitchen made T-fal non-stick pans their highest rated

Now playing

Sorry, but considering the winter in this area I'm more inclined to buy this type of robot cleaning machine.

Now playing

Not to downgrade what this guy did, but my guess is a motorcycle might be a bit harder.

Sorry, but in my mind the equivalent MPG is not the issue for most people.

It's the range of the vehicle.

Sure electric cars are going to be greener and get better gas mileage, but they are going to require most people to have another car, which may or may not be an option.

You don't go to grandma's house in most

I work in the food ingredient industry. A couple of comments. The comments are going to be based on the food laws as I knew them. I don't know if they've changed, or not.

Natural and organic.

My funniest. Over two years ago my wife and I had to move my, then, 84 year old aunt in with us. She had never had high speed internet so she was enthralled by what she could do with things. Unfortunately, you can't manage someone 24/7.

She was going anywhere and everywhere and despite the protections built into the

I'm surprised. My way they know who you are, so they can remove you. How do they know how to remove you?

Here's an easier way.

They all come with pre-paid envelopes. It costs these companies more to have that envelope returned than it does to send the mail out.

Simply take their letter, write across it, "Remove me from your mailing list" and send it back to them in their envelope.

It might take more than one time, but

Whatever works for you. I was in sales for 30 years. I was a hiring manager for about 15. I've been a recruiter for 10. I've also gone through one of the larger outplacement firms.

All of that disagrees with having multiple resumes.

Again, if it works for you . . .

I disagree.

Having multiple, multiple resumes out there can cause you all sorts of problems. Typically, you'll get a phone call from someone if they're interested in you. You don't want to be stammering because you can't remember which resume you sent them. It makes people in the hiring process doubt your veracity.

I work in the food ingredient industry as a recruiter. The majority of slots that I fill are extremely technical. Even sales. Can't tell you the number of times I've had to educate an HR person on what the hiring manager is actually looking for.