
I'm a recruiter. If I had to give one piece of advice, the biggest error that I see people make is listing job responsibilities rather than job accomplishments.

When you prepare your resume, you need to think about how you are better than the person who sits next to you who is doing the same job. Did you get any

I graduated from college in 1974. I had a lot of ornithology courses and actually did a couple of papers on bird migration (ie. navigation).

I remember the papers on homing pigeons and their ability to use the earth's magnetic fields to navigate. What the researchers did was to put small electromagnets on the heads of


If you've got any type of e-reader, it's available electronically. It's the only cookbook that I'd buy in that format. I made the mistake of buying another cookbook as an e-book. It didn't have an index, so it made finding recipes for say chicken very hard. Will only buy cookbooks as a hard copy any more.

I have "The Flavor Bible". It is excellent, but you probably are going to have to be a food geek to make it worth your while. In addition to giving you things that compliment each other, it also gives you what things are the best matches.

For each food item, it probably gives you 40-60 choices of other ingredients.


The different power adapters drive me out of my mind.

In addition to my electronics, I also play the guitar. It seems as if every pedal that you buy for a different sound has a different power adapter. 3 v. 6 v. 9 v. and all of the different amperages.

What's especially maddening is getting pedals from the same

A well known US politician over the last few days.

On Sunday, they came up with this, "We don’t want nothing out of this debt limit."

Then yesterday we got, "We've never just done nothing."

Um drink whatever milk you want.

I had a friend who's two daughters were in the hospital for a week.

There were over 125 people in the area who died because of the milk.

Want to guess what the QA department in this private label milk company was like?

Sorry, but you are incorrect in your assumption that the name brand folks are producing the same products for private label. (I work in the food ingredient industry.)

#1 - Companies such as Kraft and Kelloggs are doing everything in their power to develop their products in such a way that the private label folks can't

Another website for information about companies and their cultures is Glassdoor. Be sure to look at who is writing the review. Some times someone who is currently at the company will write these glowing reviews. Then you'll see a bunch of people who USED to work their who tell you how horrible the place is.

Warning to everyone. I'm a recruiter and my partner just passed away.

His wife and I are going crazy. No one has any of his passwords to any of his business and some of his personal accounts, etc.

We all want to keep people out of our computers, but that's a dual edged sword. You need to have that information some where

We don't get involved with recent graduates. The primary reason is that companies come to us looking for people with 10+ experience.

The best thing that I can tell you is to post your resume on Careers in Food and to monitor the IFT job boards.

Stand corrected.

Things can and DO change.

So you're trying to say that global warming is NOT a scientific theory? Sort of like saying that the Big Bang theory isn't a theory.

The rest of your rambling doesn't say anything.

Two degrees. One in chemistry and one in biology. I've worked in the food industry for 30 years.

That's why they call them THEORIES and not LAWS.

As I said, I'd rather err on the side of caution. It isn't as if erring on the side of caution would make things worse.

You're safe in an area from a hurricane because a

Don't know if it's still true, but at one time I was told that those legal disclaimers at the end of emails are worthless. Especially if it is in a situation where the other party hasn't agreed to anything and you send them an email with all sorts of restrictions.

Watch cartoons and children programs. They are going to have the simplest language!

I absolutely LOVE the comments of people who are, very obviously, non-scientists. Lack of understanding of scientific principles is apparent.

These are the same folks who would be arguing that DDT wasn't harmful because . . .

One only look at places such as Southern California, and their progress with smog to realize

I used to fly 100,000 actual miles per year. A few years ago a flight attendant wrote a letter to the editor complaining about the way people were dressing when the flew.

I'm sorry, but I am paying for my seat and to be treated not much better than a cow going to slaughter. Who am I on the plane to impress? The rude

I want to go to that car lot. My guess is that the picture was taken late 70s, early 80s. My second guess is that there's probably 2 million dollars worth of cars sitting there.

The XKEs are worth 75-100,000.00 each. The Austen Healy 3000 is easily another 75,000. Don't know enough about Rolls to even guess that one.

It can be a VERY lucrative business. I sold ingredients for 28 years. I'm now a recruiter.