
I wish people would get OVER this one page thing. I've been a professional recruiter for 8 years. I was in sales for 30 years, a major part of that as a hiring manager. My partner has been a recruiter for nearly 30 years.

Absolutely the same.

These are actually related.

I sold a Harley Davidson on ebay. For the new buyer it was a great deal.

Okay, I'm an AKC tracking judge. If you saw tracking, you'd think of it as Search and Rescue work.

I want to see someone try to teach a five year old how to tell time with one of these watches. Conspicuous consumption at its worst.

You have to wonder if the movie studios will ever get the idea about copy protection and people wanting to do things legally.

Correction. All Plymouth gin is a type of London Dry. Not all London drys are Plymouth gins. Try finding any other London Dry similar in taste to Plymouth.

I work in the food ingredient industry. There are a variety of small manufacturers who do this. Especially with sugar vs. diet. Of course the soda/pop debate goes on forever. :-)

This while Illinois goes in the opposite direction, so to speak.

So if this was a major corporation and the decision makers had been making erroneous decisions on data such as this, and taking a corporation down instead of up, they'd be explaining to the stockholders what they did wrong and how they were going to change things to do it right.

Portion control - Let's put a little blame on the "serving size" that food manufacturers use to make their food healthier. 12 ounce can of pop TWO servings? Just looked at a bag of taco chips. Serving size? 6 chips. The worse the food is for you, the smaller they make the serving size to make it appear not so bad.

One solution. Duct tape. Geesh guys.

Okay. I'm a foodie nut. I'm also into training dogs competitively big time.

I'm a recruiter.

You want to make SURE that the fries are a dry as possible. Hot oil does NOT like water.

Cooking is a big hobby of mine. I bought one, and it was the last, e-cookbook. Want to find that BBQ Chicken recipe that you thought was great? They've eliminated index in all of these books, so there's no way to find your recipe other than thumbing through the book.

I'd also get something in writing from the boss where he commits to paying you based on whatever you agree to. So if money comes into the company and he uses it to buy a new BMW and then doesn't have the money to pay the employees, is that acceptable?

Okay, in the same vein. A folks song from the 70s. Cockroaches on Parade.

For people who train dogs (typically competitively) this is actually a useful tool. When preparing hot dog treats, I might go through an entire package of hot dogs at one time. Then into the microwave for about 3-5 minutes. Viola.