I’m obsesses by the female track and field athletes at the Olympics. OBSESSED. I can’t say anything that everyone doesn’t already know about what incredible athletes they are. They make me feel lazy as fuck and like I’ve only used about 5% of my physical potential. But on a side note, I love that so many of them run…
I, for one, appreciate that Ryan put on his serious hair for his almost apology.
Not to take up Lochte’s cause by any stretch, but the part where security guards pull guns and demand money before allowing them to leave, vandalism notwithstanding, is still kinda BS.
Last night someone on NBC asked, “Is this going to be what we remember about Ryan Lochte when we think back in 10 years?”
“I over-exaggerated that story” This intellectual giant does not understand the word “exaggerate“. he’s displaying his ignorance like somebody saying “semi-unique”. his lawyer/public relations consultant should be fired...
This mystery has been way too drawn out, mostly inconsequential, and surprising lacking any significant complexity.
Wait, so in this version Ryan Lochte fucked up someone elses property, acted like an asshole, and didn’t actually lose any money. He is the Trump of Urinegate 2016.
So Lochte basically told the Cartman version of the story
I was going to log on and make the same joke just for shits and giggles but you got the runs here faster, flushing away my hope for lots of stars.
Update (9:53 a.m.): Diniz has just collapsed on the course.
Replace “Olympics” with “my first job” and “racewalk” with “reading the Arby’s employee Handbook” and the exact same thing happened to me.
Commentator, in crisp English accent: Folks at home may be asking themselves, “How will he finish?” And, well, Depends.
Official statement by Ryan Lochte:
the four swimmers spoke to U.S. State Department officials and they agreed to shut up. Almost immediately after the briefing, Lochte “walked across the street” and gave an interview
DAMN, Jamacian parents are a tough crowd. Russell Peters wasn’t kidding.
Poor guy. Now he may have to suffer the indignity of the cone for a couple of weeks so he doesn’t chew off the bandage.
We need to get our fancy doggie a collar.
Well, that’s what she stated. The DA’s office is saying that’s not true.
Tim Kaine is the only person in America having fun this election year.