

Probably right BUT do they have no right to discipline him at all for a failure to cooperate? He could have proved that he didn’t have anything to do with it, but basically stalled the investigation. That would knock it down to 2 methinks.

I’m glad to hear it. But I can say that it wasn’t the case 15 years ago, at least in the jurisdictions I was looking at, in part because I guess there was an open question as to whether discrimination against a trans person was discrimination based on gender. (Not defending this position, just recalling it).

Many years ago, when the company I worked for was considering hiring a trans woman, I was asked to look into how various discrimination laws would apply. At the time, trans people were not considered a protected class, and could be discriminated against with impunity at least with respect to federal law. State law may

Please let the backlash continue. Between the car police and the people complaining about letting a 10 year old mind a 6 year old for a one-mile walk home, I could bitchslap crazed parents all day long.

This was timely. I was recently talked by my senior teen at the very last minute into hosting a cast party for the drama club after the last show. Like most rational parents, we initially refused. Eventually, my teen begged me, arguing (like the future risk manager this particular kid is destined to be) that they were

He's not an idiot. Which is precisely what makes him terrifying. He is very smart, very focused, and out of his ever loving mind. Either a genuine religious zealot or playing an unbelievably long con, and in either event it scares me to death.

This is a Charlie Day list. He left off "Denim Chicken."

I am not a fan of the death penalty, as it is widely over-used and yes, frequently targets the downtrodden. There are rare cases, however, where I could see my way clear to imposing it. This is one of them. If she gets out in 25 years, she will kill again. Life would be appropriate.

That is not nearly as horrible as many things she likes to wear. No fabulous, but totally blah, which for her is an actual improvement. How someone so beautiful could routinely be so poorly turned out is amazing.

Go home after you see Lupita. Nothing else comes close.

Or they could be turned into complete psychopaths. We honestly don't know.

I think it's good to have someone who only has sex twice a year in charge of the state. No distractions.

You forgot about the Mom essentially making a career for her own family by leveraging a daughter's nasty sex tape. What a group of charmers!

She wants him to give that hoodie to Beyonce!

It's just resting.

He rules as long as auto-tune is available. Seriously, his performance was dull as dishwater.

Requiring exhaustion of remedies is a pretty typical requirement for various kinds of claims. It gives companies a chance to fix problems without clogging up the court system with litigation, which is a valid concern. As someone else said, a place that actually has lactation and family wellness rooms is probably

But Jenner might well be in a pretty emotional state at the moment. I could see reacting differently under the circumstances.

I'm not so sure that that's not currently the case. This seems so manufactured — nothing like a feud between sweethearts to brighten the days of gossip columnists.