
I'd rather die than live in such a jurisdiction.

And nary a mention of Mustie1.  For shame.  

I am one of those affected by this legislative change.

I purchased a kei truck this past spring. I had no issues registering it in Maine. I paid quite a bit for my truck. This really pisses me off. Anyone know what type of lawyer would handle a case like this?

I would also like to encourage everyone to join the “Consumers JDM Advocacy Association” fb group. We need all the

This article just makes me sad at the number of Jalops that don’t know about Roadkill. 

Hard way, as in you flying to Japan to search for a car to buy? That would make a good blog.  Getting into Japan would be HARD right now.

Gorillaz reference, nice! Have your star.

Hotblack Desiato would definitely launch that into the sun for a Disaster Area concert.

In California and other states you’d have too, my neighbor makes good money buying cars with back registrations in California and sending them to the upper Midwest. For example a running Toyota Corolla with three years back registration in California is worth about $500 that rust free car is worth $4000 in the


I’m thinking more “Changli Torchy Glub Glub.” 

Gah, has it been three months already? Feels like you got this thing 3 days ago. Or 300 years. I don’t know anymore. Time has ceased to have any meaning...

the US is one of Matador’s biggest export markets”...
doesn’t show any North American dealers”

I’ve seen people quickly contradict themselves before, but rarely within the same sentence.”

Maybe not, but that “wired money from Italy” Army guy sounds like a scam.

Maybe I’ll make a Jalopnik “Take Your Frustrations Out On A Kia Rio” event! (Socially-distanced, of course). 

I’m sure they could, but part of the appeal of Dajiban is that they are so big and unsuited for racing. Making a smaller (though still unsuited) version would seems weird to me. It’s a JDM niche of a JDM niche, and I think the world would implode.

Man, if I had to make a wager on which Jalopnik writer would have already known of Dream Factory Blow, my money would have been on you, Torch. I would have lost that bet.

Pandas can’t naturally defend themselves...Therefore, I vote PFP!

Here with my popcorn for the train wreck of comments 

I believe that Hotblack Desiato may be looking for a new ride, as his old one was stolen at the Restaurant at the End of the universe.