
Reminds me how much anger I got for wearing my VW lapel pin to the Jewish Youth Group things I went to.

Depends, did they say LOOP-IN or LUP-ON? IIRC, Adult Swim got the Geneon dubs.

Which ones, though? I liked Pioneer and Geneon's dubs, but not Funimation's.

Inevitably it'll be fansubbed. I don't think it will work well dubbed.

check the trailer.

No one has figured out how to just make the game THINK you unlocked them?

*Herbie but I agree with you.

I love this picture. someone went to a lot of trouble to make this (if this isn't just the actual one from the film) and there's rusty chrome all over.

something I would say to remember is:
Yes, it is fun to take a slow car to an event with a lot of fast cars. The issue comes when LOTS of people take slow cars to ONE event with fast cars. Everyone loved your beetle, but I don't think everyone would have loved if 20+ cars in the "same class as your beetle" showed.

that'd be a hell of a long con.

an error in the beginning of the creation of Polandball that just stuck, I suppose.

Polandball has always had opposite colors.

it's a joke related to the Oregon Trail video game.

Unfortunately, you can't. I've looked. They scrap them when they're done. very particular about it, too.

Things I never thought would be truly disturbing included "Tweety Bird" until today.

Nope, Pennsylvania in around 2010.

I met someone at a movie theater once who drove one. 78000 miles on it. She had bought it recently, and was baffled as to why I was taking pictures of it and excited. She was literally just using it as an everyday car and it was doing a fine job of being an every day car.

I actually don't get the ad...

it's not $1-2000 to ship. Everyone wants their piece of the pie in shipping, a car you bought for $600 could easily cost you $6000 all said and done. before the car is even there.

good thing I'm due for a new passport in a couple of years.