
Madden already had a draft in its season and franchise modes. So no, it’s not like a sports draft. It’s like Arena Mode in Hearthstone! Last I checked, NFL franchises were not given only three options for their first-round selections, and the players they do not choose are not eliminated from the draft entirely.

bone dead bone skeleton bone dead deceased bone dry

Here we go with “Oh but this completely common car was rare in this color, only 32,000 made!”

Counterpoint. Go Fuck Yourself.

Me right now

You're mostly an OK commenter. The next time you tl;dr a post and then criticize it anyway, you're getting banned.

Because these two jerkasses are pulling the hipster version of some conservative jerkwad constantly fawning over how better things were in the 1950’s and 60’s. Maybe reading the article would have helped you understand why there’s such bile.

At least she isn’t allowed to vote.

Oh, please, Deadspin. Mayweather can’t even spell IV.

Not to be over dramatic, but that is nothing short of assault.

That’s not completely true. Look at his splits in games that the White Sox won in the WS vs games that they lost. Definitely some smoke there. Also, regardless of whether he was “in on it,” it’s indisputable that he knew about it and did nothing.

And it only took two years! I knew we’d get there.

Mike Fiers did it nine days earlier

Rule 10.12(a)(1) Comment: Slow handling of the ball that does not involve mechanical misplay shall not be construed as an error.

Bluetooth headphones need a battery, which obviously can’t go in something as small as an ear bud, so you end up with these.

Can you do a similar piece with a woman on A.M? The only similar-ish story I found on here was about a woman who actually had an arrangement with her husband who had medical issues. I’d like to see if the responses are similar from the commentariat.

I read it as, he hadn’t been actively trying to get laid with strange at the time. Which, actually is the best way to get laid.

I was ecstatic when they announced Doreen would be getting a series.

No, instead he decided to take to a Gawker Media site and basically shout over and over “WHY IS NO ONE PAYING ANY ATTENTION TO MY OMFGYOLOSWAGSKYLINE?!?!”