
22 year olds who want to work in sports marketing are pretty easy to find.

I don’t pay attention to the umpires. I didn’t even realize he was back there.

“What’s scarier, being in debt or being in that building for another six months?”

The explanation’s easy, if unsatisfying

He’s part of the reason I started hating the Rays. Considering he was crying about the Cards doing this, he should be an NFL coach.

If you’ll allow me to be an asshole pedant (Is there any other kind?), nobody in Boston has ever called someone from South Boston a “Southie.” You’re from Southie; you’re not a Southie.

“Southie” has always been, and remains, the name of the neighborhood. It is not a demonym.

Please if you are having suicidal thoughts or just struggling with depression talk to a friend or call the suicide prevention hotline. They’re there to help: 1-800-273-8255.

The trainer then fell down and knocked his helmet off, which would be funny were it not involving a possibly injured head.

Right here haters....right here. The Champs are Here!!!