
Nope, Patriots fans don’t care either

Kevin, it’s a little weird how you guys go after these selected “bad guys” all the time. Broussard sucks, sure, but he’s part of a network that basically requires one to suck in order to get hired. Why the exorbitant hate for this one guy?

Well, it happened near Buffalo, NY, not Chicago, which actually makes it pretty typical.

I can’t think of many managers less qualified to say “we don’t start stuff but we stop stuff” than Joe Maddon. He spent most of his time in Tampon Bay trolling the rest of the AL East, while his team was irrelevant.

Glad I’m not the only one who thought it strange to compare The Departed (a fantastic mob movie) and The Town (another shitty Affleck+Boston movie, of which there are plenty).

Derek Jeter invented that move. He just didn’t showboat and stare the pitcher down as obviously.

Why, though?

Yeah, what? I have Dish and lost the signal due to light rain last night watching this very game.

I have a Laurence Maroney jersey.

This shit will never get old. Keep bitchin’ y’all! We are the fucking champions, and you all lick sweaty grundles.

Hey man go fuck yourself.