
I’m planning on coming down from Maine! Luckily I have a friend who lives there with a spare couch so I don’t have to worry about accommodations but I need to get on transportation soon. I’d love to march with other Jezzies! I’ll keep an eye on this as we get closer so we can meet up. Maybe some lesbian shitasses

I’m hearing its going to go into Jan 22.,,

I’m probably going with a group of women from work.

Man, to me, this is like going to an Onion News article and taking it seriously.

So you want to silence anyone who would criticize his opinion? I’m not sure you understand how discussion works...

People have been calling up their representatives about his appointments all week

I am not sure it is as well thought-out as you say. I think he is desperate for attention, and going a day or two without eliciting a response at a rally or on Twitter makes him feel very lonely. He seems to be an astonishingly shallow man.

I think Trump is highly intuitive about how to manipulate people. He knows how to lie and how to drive the gullible to the point of hysteria. He’s a con-man.

It wouldn’t shock me if they did set it up. The media has shown time and again that they can be easily distracted from the real issues.

Until today I thought Drumpf was astoundingly stupid. And not that he isn’t, but he knows how to play the game.

He’s basically threatening free speech, which is a big deal all on its own. But people have enough rage and energy to focus on both issues. Especially given that it’s a weekend, and the offices of elected officials are closed.

And we need moments like this to galvanize and inspire us so we don’t get overwhelmed with

I know we can’t expect better (I can literally expect better from my five-year-old nephew, but moving on—), but FUCK the sick soul who demands apologies while never having given a sincere apology, ever.

That should be “stunning lie”. I’ve clearly given up on frivolous things like spelling or reading comprehension given the world is burning around us.

I would say it’s entirely plausible that Bannon did this. Or one of the many other evil dicks in Trump/Pence’s ear.

I don’t understand why the cast should apologize for something some of the audience members did. The cast was nothing but polite and gracious. Unless Trump wants them to apologize for that?

Best responses were those asking him to apologize for Trump U.

If this election has taught me anything I’d have to say it’s 95% the last question and 5% the other one. People hate when you look at their actions and make accurate character judgements based on them!

yes, Trump is really good in dodging real questions and never answering them and him being professional bully.

Yes this!!! I swear I feel like Bannon set this shit up (I know, he probably didnt, I should take my tinfoil hat off but with this group of assholes you never know), and gave Pence tickets to Hamilton just to get some other story into the perpetual “media outrage cycle.” please stay focused people. The new person in

Until today I thought Drumpf was astoundingly stupid. And not that he isn’t, but he knows how to play the game. No one is talking about his appointments or Trump U settlement now. His Hamilton tweet was such a stunning line and he must have known it would cause uproar.