
But.... you read this article and decided to comment on it. So you do kind of a little?

Good lord what a pull. +1 for that

GOOD LORD. You people are too easy.


Question: Is Cutter in this game? The most underrated character of the last game who definitely has to be played by Jason Statham if they make a movie.

White girl here and my husband is half asian/half white and 100% fucking unbelievably hot.

“You just got AVATARED.”

Tou che

None of you like soccer, right? PLEASE TO GOD GIVE US A DAY WITHOUT A SOCCER POST

Pretty sure you wouldn’t get into UNC. Douche

My older and brother (and I like to think myself) grew up to be responsible adults. My younger brother grew up to be a little shit, but it’s not because my parents didn’t teach him necessary skills to be a responsible adult. Nobody bats 1.000

It’s a shame that it took THIS long for studios to go “Hey, if we make characters that both women and men can relate to and craft a thoughtful and good story around them, people might come to see it and we’ll make money!!!!!”

I’m sure that won’t stop you from seeing it and then coming onto message boards to say how much you hated it though.

I love that Melissa McCarthy and Kristen Wiig are more-or-less playing the straight characters. Leslie Jones and Kate McKinnon will definitely shine in this.

God, this story made me cry the first time I watched it. I can’t watch it again but highly recommend others to watch.

I have zero reason to disrespect, dislike, or insult our lovely neighbors to the north.

Can you name the place in SoHo and the place you ultimately got your massage at? Really in need of regular work on my shoulders at a decent price.

Aubrey Plaza does many things for me...

And plays her in the movie