
The subtle use of VFX in background replacement, I am all for. The VFX artists did a really amazing job with these elements. The huge tracking shots, anything with fast motion, and especially the car scenes were absolutely horrible and unrealistic. Everything looked like it was running at 150%

This would be a little more practical I would think.


HON scored a sweet contract with that Corbis install.

Just ask the NSA. They know better than I do.

Kanye who

Infrared strobe!

I would prefer it to those annoying little stickers


I see your Porche and raise you a corvette.

"pedal car"

I use intelliscreen X but I would rather not have to jailbreak to get the features that should be stupid simple to be in the base OS. Not to mention the wait for jailbreaks


They had a lot of issues with their caching servers. There was even a workaround for a while that could bypass those servers.

I bought the first gen at initial release. Mine lasted 4 hours at a time...returned it so fast.

1. Not full of crap.

why you no drag & drop?

Agreed. Verus the side badge in the OP.