
@alex-y: Increasing the fermentation time this long will not increase the alcohol content. Once all of the sugar has been converted, or the alcohol percentage reaches a certain level, the yeast shuts down.

hahha...jesus, just dig one out of your attic.

Now we just need Kerio to hurry up with EWS support so I dont have to even consider buying Exchange and moving from open directory to active directory.

@gravityhomer: Perhaps I am gullible, but after just watching The Universe: Asteroids on History Channel, they talked about it taking an asteroid close to 100' or larger to successfully pass the atmosphere and impact the land in any damaging way.

oh my god, get a tape dispenser

You absolutely sure that isn't a dark star?

My favorite beer, Fat Tire, recently became available in a can. I tried No cans for my craft beer thank you!

I think you can categorize this under D for Duh.

@Mr.MojoRisen: keep the t2i..its a beautiful camera.

@pliSkiNAKE: Detectors are legal, at least here in California. Jammers are not.

Im just waiting for them to get rid of the ipod dock connector and replace it with something magnetic (like the MBP)

@techynottreky: The phone mic, down at the bottom next to the speaker hole

@Homerjay has ABSA Fever: i suppose theoretically it could be done pretty easily, just not that practical I would imagine. Talk about a whole lotta valves.
