
Wow, this William Hughes guy's empathy borders on the telepathic! Bravo, sir! Bravo!

Appraising something without having seen 80% of it makes absolutely NO sense.

Chicks are hottest when they're mussed up a little anyway.

I don't care one way or another about Trump, but John Oliver is an absolutely craven, claptrap-mongering piece of s***.

The show's crap now, but it's humor based on the incongruity of a very white milquetoast being hot for black p***y; it's not genius, but it's kinda funny, and only the most eager to be offended would be "offended" by it.

Easy, I've got a lot of Hardcore History to catch up on.

It's no worse than falsely claiming to be black or an American Indian.

"[Y]ou will agree, that's really more an academic than linguistic accomplishment."

"He can put [your approval] up on the shelf next to all of his other accolades."

Well, like I said, I backtracked and admitted that I respect the work he did early on, but most current linguists consider the Universal Grammar to no longer be an operable theory.

"Ooooh! You know the name of a historian/leftist! I better defer to your total lack of any knowledge whatsoever."

OK, dumb little girl.

You are really, a painfully, desperately stupid person.

WHO in the United States could possibly go through their adult life without knowing a serviceman? I understand that you've argued yourself into a corner, and nonsense is your only refuge, but don't YOU start glorifying military service, then say your relatives only do it to put food on their table, then go right back

I have no pretense: I find the idea of being "against war" meaningless f***ing claptrap; simplistic, stupid, and dangerous. I always take issue with that.

If ONLY they'd thought of that! Whoops!

For you, service means nothing but getting a paycheck for your family; you said it has nothing to do with supporting your country, but is only selfish self-preservation with no deeper significance. What difference does my resumé make? Are non-veteran civilians to be discounted in matters of national defense? You don't

So it's just a paycheck, then. This "service" you speak of, is just service to support one's own family. I hope that the guys you know overseas have a slightly more profound understanding of why they're there.

"Wait a minute!" is MY f***ing line!

I saw the headline and was piqued by the simplistic and utterly stupid notion of an argument "against war."