
Trump's obsessed with the two people who wake up and talk about Trump nonstop, for hours.

One of my favorite actresses, but in interviews, she really comes off as kind of a dope.

It's not like Marxist quotas can do any harm…

Well of course pre-existing conditions should be covered by health insurance. After all, it wouldn't be called "insurance" unless it INSURED you from…uh…bad things that…um…already happened.

And the hipster unwarranted overcelebration of Japan continues, probably over sips from a $7.00 cup of ban-cha.

Effing great news. Funniest show since Community.

He certainly can't find time to write funny jokes or work on his delivery. The guy is a comedic wheel chock.

Yes! Let's inform the NKVD and they'll take care of the rest.

Classic Coca-Cola reimagined as Diet Cherry Slice

"Make incessant threats for years with impunity?"
"Make movies and bestow awards on said movie?"

Thank goodness, they stopped this horrible person.

F***ing hell: Just because something has lesbians in it doesn't make it good.

How the f*** do you leave out Mike Mageau?

Say what you like about me, but when a guy (?) named Douay-Rheims-Challoner lectures me about floweriness, I listen.

If history is any judge—and she is—the ability to recognize a nascent conflagration is not exactly a continental trait.

Yeah, I remember a meme like this that about 1 in 10 M&Ms will rape you. It's a bipartisan template.

At least there's no potential of an unscrupulous restaurant abusing this.

Bye, Wiltmore. Sorry your show was cancelled because of racism.

A grown woman deserves better than this patronizing, bulls*** article.

Knife, you wouldn't have been wrong, exactly: "…other forces often more influential than our own agency…" is kind of like saying "powerless" while being careful to avoid saying "powerless".