
It's a little known fact that the Parker family was originally known as the Spidermans before they escaped Nazi Germany.

Yeah, and I'm starting to forget… does great power come with something else that is also great?

When you awake you're still in dream.

Okay, I live Indianapolis, and I absolutely hate Margot & The Nuclear So-and-So's. But I am interested in their cover of Ziggy Stardust.

Watch out Todd! Cat bites can get infected really easily!

Cyber-bullying just isn't the same as it once was. Now, you actually have to face the consequences of inciting someone's death. Unless you are in Florida. Cyber-standing your ground is very important over there.

Not Muslim, but I was taught in school that the belief was that an angel visited Mohammed and revealed the vision. Wikipedia identifies the angel as Gabriel.

Oh… You're Bishop Ussher?

What about a Becktionary?

I don't think I'll be able to go 'cause I blew my money on Neutral Milk Hotel tickets. Great show but I probably would have liked to see someone more contemporary. Oh well. You go where your friends want to.

No, it won't be. It will be the middle of fall: The best season in Indiana. Also, 65 tomorrow. Riding my bike on the Monon after school! Please don't mug me!

Should I drive 100 miles to the Nasty Nati to see her?

VU's s/t was amazing.

My view of Meloy as a lyricist has really went south too.

I liked The Decemberists before Parks and Rec existed. I haven't cared for anything past Crane Wife. Probably more to do with a shift in my taste towards noise than a decline in quality. Listening to most recent release, and it doesn't do much for me, but it sounds a lot like the stuff of theirs that I do like.

So apparently society has moved on from 80s nostalgia parties to 90s nostalgia parties (or at least my friends have). Since I am boring, my first thought was just to dress in flannel and the band tee of the most 90s band I could find from Hot Topic. Which was actually Stone Temple Pilots. I'll probably be quoting

Urkel is the true name of the Doctor.

Stone Temple Pilots are elegant bachelors. They're foxy to me are the foxy to you?

Yeah, haven't you heard of the Duke Lacrosse team?

Well, the modern world is not so bad. Not like the students say.