
Get ye behind me, Satan!

My supermarket is filled with Easter candy too. I don't get it. It's not even Lent yet.

"Uggh, that's just the sort of shit that makes the Left consistently implode. "

It also gives Putin and comrades plausible deniability. "Oh, we didn't order this. They are there mostly for ceremonial presence. They don't really work for us."

Punk's not dead. It's just seriously beaten.

Okay over Washed Out or Toro y Moi.

Nature abhors living in a vacuum.

Mono… D'oh!

So, 4 years after this review, I was listening to this album and read your post just as this lyric came up.

What if seinfeld still on PCP?

From the inbreeding.

God, this is exactly how it was when I played Cards Against Humanity. At least with Apples to Apples, your jokes have to be a little clever because you are juxtaposing serious topics with flippant jokes about people who are heroes.

I think it's pretty obvious that there is a multiverse thing going on. it was clearly stated that pulling on the rope in the first episode could cause reality to unravel. And that's what we're watching, a series of different possibilities involving the same characters.

Yeah, that's where his brother is.

Paraphrase from Bob's Burgers:
Tina: Remove the heart from your opponent's act?

Yes. But the love you make is also equal to the amount of homicidal fans that will one day shoot you that you make.

I recommend you get a bottle of fine scotch to deter you from drinking this even finer canister of sperm.

I wish I didn't have a political litmus test, but I don't think I would like a conservative band. But it seems like most would probably sing about how everyone needs guns and Jesus in their lives, so it would make sense that I wouldn't like them.

Sorry. Bad joke was bad. I've actually only heard it re: Amanda Bynes and that was just gossip.

Didn't Josh Peck lose the weight because of all of Dan Schneider's sexual harassment? That's what I heard/ have been telling everyone.