
What about LOC… that seems a little better? Dewey Decimal is updated on a regular basis, but I feel it needs a pretty big over haul based on my limited experience.

Conan actually did a lot of re-writing of scripts that he didn't have his name on.

I am going to try to cook more at home so thanks for the inspiration. I will, however, not be making pasta. I got a flatiron steak and will serve it with a salad. And then eat the leftovers the following days.

Eh, if you want to convince people try not to be a complete asshole.

How about this? After a 12 hour shift, I would rather rest up in order to prepare for my next shift that's just 12 hours away.

It's not very subtle.

I learned who John Green was by reading the comments in Mountain Goats YouTube videos. Which is probably the opposite scenario of most people who know who John Green is.

Same with my dad. My dad actually thought that he was a school teacher that started posting videos on YouTube.

You know what, @avclub-b20754d0f1e8ae843e00a8b39a667112:disqus, I am sure Denver is a fine place to loie. I live in a land of cheap housing as well (Indianapolis), and I'm sure it's a world nicer in Denver if one-tenth of what my parents saw in Colorado is true and not exaggeration. I would love to live there, and I

I find it astonishing that there are dry cities in NJ. I thought that shit only went down still in the south. I briefly lived in Kentucky for a job. I accepted the job offer and then quickly checked to make sure it wasn't a dry county.

Well, personally, I am going to head to Box Elder, MO.

Uh… I am a Hoosier in both the sense that I lived in Indiana most of my life and am an IU alum. And we still talk about Bobby Knight. Especially him throwing chairs. Also, Night Range played at my town's bicentennial celebration.

Well, at least you can comfort yourself by listening to your nation's sweet Dunedin Sound.
(Gonna listen to The Clean now… thanks for the inspiration)
(Ended up listening to The Go-Betweens, so I actually chose something from your native land)


As long as he has fine scotch, he'll never drink finer semen.

After last year I am staying away from Mad Men speculation. That got ridiculous.

I hope next season there is a story about Drew not having enough money to visit his girlfriend, so he mails himself. And then he gets stabbed by his girlfriend.

Roger has heart problems in a time when treatment for heart problems were still being pioneered.

Haddie has much better hair when she dates a woman as opposed to when she dates a black guy.

All I remember about Thor 2 is that I saw it with a friend who was pretty drunk and we sat in a theater with only one other person it, an Australian that was perfectly fine with us yelling thing about Kat Dennings' chest.