
And just like Milo and Star Wars Kinect, I’m sure it’ll live up to its on-stage demo...

I’ll wait to see how it works on something other than Minecraft first as that’s the only thing they’ve shown.

As a bald woman your use of “hair trigger” triggers my triggers.

She planned the whole thing to upstage the bride. Taylor is very much in control of her image and I’m shocked you can’t see through it.

I would dismiss this comment but I think it’s a teachable moment.


Please write something about how this is NOT the same as Caitlyn Jenner. I have seen too many people saying “well if gender identity is fluid and you can identify as anything how is this different???” and saw a SERIOUS tumblr post on someone saying they were “black but born in a white body” and felt they were being

Am I the only one holding out for the revelation that makes this all make sense?
This is all so bizarre that I’m seriously expecting a break in the story that makes us all go “Ohhhhhh oooookaaaaaaaaaay!”.

Like, who is that guy who CALLED himself her father? He’s very clearly black, so is he going to come forward next


If you want to call the Africana Studies program to complain:

I grew up in Redmond/Kirkland so I’m somewhat familiar with Spokane.

Absolutely disgusting. The NBA and ABC should be ashamed for exposing their audience to that disgusting, pitiful, wrinkled excuse for a penis, and on national television no less. But enough about Joey Crawford, lets talk about this LeBron thing too.

Hell yeah, plus the super slow-mo at the end “shhheee ddwwiddditt aginnnn”.

Next game, someone should bust one of these out on that bully.

A Catcher in the Wrong

A League of They’re Owned

These Stand Your Ground laws have gone way too far.

Costas is right—-it is a cynical exploitation/tabloid play, calculated to get the speech shared on BuzzFeed and Facebook and Twitter and Gawker Media’s array of sites. PR’s doing its job.

ESPN has used the “Arthur Ashe Award” effectively twice. Once for Jim Valvano, once for Stuart Scott. Market’s just a little tight

Bob’s soapbox is now officially taller than he is.