Callin' Doctor Unk

I agree with you that Daisy Riley [sic] comes across as wooden, but the young lady here didn't seem that way at all to me (I also enjoyed her very non-wooden performance in "Children of Men"). I think it is fair to generalize and say that a foreign accent of any kind (and perhaps especially some accents in specific

As with literally all Zack Snyder movies. He's a master of creating footage that looks great in trailers.

Let's not forget that they already made a sequel (or psuedo-sequel) to Blade Runner in "Soldier," and while it certainly had some issues, it was the perfect sequel in that it happened in a completely different corner of the universe and in no way fucked with the story or characters of Blade Runner.

Hence my joke. In all seriousness, though, I would watch the hell out of that movie.

Wait, you thought it said that Kyle MacLachlan was going to play Cable?

Yeah, in all seriousness, War Zone was pretty cool and very underrated.

Sorry, Bernthal, but Dolph Lundgren will always be The Punisher to me. Nice try, though.

Maybe it's not so much like living in Germany in the 1930s as it is like doing five years of federal prison time for cocaine smuggling, all the while knowing that you ratted on over twenty people to get your sentence reduced. Yeah, something like that.

The animation spokesman, or Kenneth Lamar Noid, the mentally ill guy who held an Atlanta Domino's hostage for several hours in an attempt to get the chain from taunting him personally with that ad campaign? Because the latter killed himself in 1995, and there's no bringing anybody back from that.

You have a world of wonder awaiting you, friend. I'm jealous of your opportunity to hear all of the absolute lunacy you're about to with fresh ears.

Hold on, $6.59 Canadian? What a rip-off! I mean, maybe for $5, but…

Say what you will, but the five extra lives afforded by the "alt+right" cheat code really come in handy in Armored Assault.

And here I thought that Charlie was just into Neil Young deep cuts.

"[…] you don’t even have to look up from your phone."

Yeah, what a putz. Everybody knows that the Tony Martin era was the best.

Nice! Birmingham 6's "Policestate" here. 90's industrial high five.

No mention on Merzbow's "Merzcar" special edition of 'Noisembryo'? The format was pretty straightforward; just a standard CD. The catch was that it was permanently affixed inside the CD player of a (used) Mercedes-Benz 230, released in a limited edition of one. Even within the noise scene, notorious for outrageous

From Wikipedia: "According to legend, in the 1990s Dave Stewart of the Eurythmics invited Bob Dylan to drop into his Crouch Hill recording studio any time he wanted to. It is said that Dylan took him up on his offer, but the taxi driver dropped him off on the adjacent Crouch End Hill. Dylan knocked on the door of the

A) Kelly MacDonald is a fox.
B) Is it just me, or did the score sound really familiar, like it was aping something? "Under The Skin," maybe?