Callin' Doctor Unk

Nice one. Puts me in mind of this: "In the modern age, the scope of the music-listening experience continues
to extend, to purely digital files played back on devices which are
simply too small to offer any semblance of audio quality (players built
primarily as telephones and computers, playing through miniaturized

Does twang eliminate the drive to reproduce? Stay tuned for our special report. But first, the weather.

I don't have kids and never will, but wanted to come here and say that the Bloodshot Records compilation album "The Bottle Let Me Down" is pretty great and would probably appeal to listeners of both generations.

The Fault In Our Interstellars.

Puts me in mind of about a month ago, when I saw a suggestion online as to how to use up "leftover Halloween candy." That's not leftover, man. That's candy.

Awwww, you beat me to it.

In a weird twist, I now listen to a lot of metal, but back in my D&D days we listened almost exclusively to Wax Trax- type industrial while gaming. Fond memories of orcs dying to a soundtrack of KMFDM…

Weird takeaway, but okay.

The peninsula has tons of great teriyaki. I used to live outside of Port Angeles for a couple of years, and you can't beat Okasan restaurant's spicy teriyaki lunch special.

I assume somebody's already mentioned it, but "Hiro Protagonist," the best swordsman in the world / best hacker in the world in Neal Stephenson's "Snow Crash," springs to mind. His room-mate Vitaly Chernobyl rocks it pretty hard in the handle department as well.

Well, that escalated quickly.

That's all well and good, but when are we going to go back to the "Plague Dogs" well?

Ray / Fraser on "Due South," duh.

Let's not forget Alice Cooper's album "DaDa." I like how it's clearly a full-blown concept album somewhere in his mind, but he was drunk and high enough at the time that it just sort of spilled out onto the record as a jumble of nonsense. Which is probably more dada than he intended.

Schwitters is awesome, and inspired both the moniker and the early musical output of Merzbow. Seems more relevant than a few rock n' roll bands name-checking Duchamp, for sure.

As in the Dolly Parton / Linda Ronstadt / Emmylou Harris album? You sure are.

I wonder if "loner" was a typo for "loaner," or if the guitar was a solitary introvert.

Well, Masami Akita of Merzbow, Blixa Bargeld of Einstürzende Neubauten, and Genesis P-Orridge of Throbbing Gristle all come up with a 4 or less. I'm convinced.

The internet, where every comments section contains at least some casual hatred of every stripe.

No, see, because it was a joke about a common innuendo among players of the board game "Settlers of Catan" mildly implying bestiality, and then your comment fell really flat because it had nothing to do… you know what, it just gets even less funny if I try to explain it. Never mind.