Dr. Turk Turkleton

Same. Unless there’s a game-breaking bug that keeps me from progressing, I’m staying on 1.1.1 and airplane mode until I’m done. 

Holy shit, the balls on that team to submit anything related to that series for Emmy consideration. I freaking love Star Wars, but that show was painful to sit through. 

Maybe I’ve been lucky, but so far every blupee that I’ve seen, when shot with an arrow or chased, has run toward a cave entrance.

Poppers are popular among the LGBT and party scene in my city, so we see overdoses a decent amount. There is an antidote that is simple and effective, but we have to know to use it. The worst is when patients swear up and down as they’re literally blue in the face that they didn’t take anything as their body suffocates

Oh shit, you’re right. I’ll never be able to unsee it.

I guess I’m in the minority, but I actually liked how certain restaurants implemented QR codes in my area. The best ones had menus optimized for small screens that let you order and pay. No needing to flag down your server if you want another drink or to add another side dish, no awkward “how are we enjoying

Can these be used for N64 games on Switch online?

Not only that, but it seems like everybody forgot all about every shrine and tower that was previously in Hyrule. In the intro, Zelda talks about how great the Purah Pad is. Maybe it’s like the Hyrulian Android/iOS debate, and she jumped ship to the other side. 

Man, I’ve been wanting the same forever. My grocery list is on the Notes app, and it works the best out of the various notes apps that I’ve tried. 

My wife and I are in the exact same situation. Living the DINK life, and as much as we love Star Wars, there’s no way we can justify the price. Hell, our honeymoon cost about the same for a 2 week trip on another continent. 

The only thing worse is the “mythasaur.” That’s like when you find your 6 year old nephew drawing some indecipherable shit, and to humor him, you’re like “wow Billy, that’s really good! What do you call it?” “That’s a myth-a-thore!”

Don’t use text as your mode to get to know each other before the second date. That should be done over a dating app, the phone, and in person.

I reread the article multiple times thinking the same thing. 

And while, yes, the Indy films had previously been available on 4K, they were only available as a box set. This is the first time you can buy them individually. Though, to be frank, we aren’t sure why you’d just want one movie and not the whole set. Unless you just really, really hate Crystal Skull and refused to buy

Think different. 

I fully expect to see it on sale in 2-3 months. 

I hope it has the granularity of The Last of Us. I don’t like it when it’s just “easy, normal, hard,” and easy makes me take little damage but inflict huge damage. In these types of games, I like playing around with a mode where I’m nigh invincible, but I still do base damage with my attacks. That lets me practice

For anybody who has done this through Parallels, how is battery life?

Not exactly a targeted ad, but I bought something from Stack Social that was advertised on The Inventory, and it was the worst POS I’ve bought in years. 

What were the issues with the first 2? I remember watching the preview videos and thinking they looked cool, with like a 90% chance they’d stop working or leak after a week. Also, there was no way in hell I was going to pay almost $200 for a water gun.