Dr. Mantis Toboggan, M.D.

“I didn’t like that I’d have to pay for the upgrades to my car, so I just stole the whole car off the dealership lot. That’ll show ‘em!”

How many times are you going to write “Pirate’s Bay” before, I dunno, taking 2 seconds to look up that it’s actually Pirate Bay?

The blue in the butterfly’s wings is a light affect rather than an actual color

Similar to how the Pontiac Silverdome is nowhere near Detroit, Macomb Township is nowhere near Detroit itself.

FYI - Macomb Township is about 35 miles north of Detroit, so about as close as Greenwich CT is from the Gawker HQ in Manhattan.

Hot take, but well-to-wheel emissions per mile are objectively lower in an electric car on the American power grid, and WAY lower on many European power grids. (In short, emissions from the power plants divided up among all electric cars are measurably lower than the combined emissions output of the same number of

This just in: If you regularly road trip 200 miles to see your grandma, a Model 3 isn’t the car for you. For the rest of humanity, it’s just fine.

Nonono you cant do a video like rhis, thats that other guys job ..Doug something :)

“here’s some of the tesla model 3's coolest quirks” for more on this tesla go to my column on autotrader dot com slash oversteer

Does Doug Demuro know you’re using his word “quirks”? Does Jalopnik have to pay him a royalty for it?

You, sir, are no Doug Demuro.

Tesla should’ve given them the full capability of the car they paid for in the first place.

The value is in the range. People pay more for more range. It doesn’t matter that the battery is physically the same.

They didn’t pay for all of it, 60 is cheaper then 75 in the first place even with the same hardware.

So vw should give every Gti the performance pack tune? BMW should not bother offering both the X20 and the X28 models? The only difference is the tune and price point. It allows them to sell different models using the exact same stuff. makes more money, which is want a business is in the business of.

That’s such a useless semantic difference my face hurts. It’s up to Tesla to determine what a car sells for, everything else is how you feel. Everybody is “getting what they paid for” because there is no deception at the point of sale.

But they didn’t pay for it. They payed for a less capable car. This is common and normal in many industries. Lots of cars have a performance package that includes and engine remap which gets more power out of the same engine. I understand thinking it is weird or undesirable but in reality it is good for everyone.

BS, they sold people who wanted to buy a 60kwh car a 60kwh car at the 60kwh price with the optional upgrade to 75kwh later if they wanted it or a future second hand owner wanted. These buyers knew exactly what they were getting when purchasing these cars, it wasn’t being hidden from them.

It’s about the warranty. By limiting the range, the batteries will last longer.