
My cats?

Right, this is where it’s at. Make good Fantastic Four and X-Men films, and the MCU is back in business. If not, it’s probably over.

I wasn't crazy about MoM but I didn't enjoy "Everything" much either, and I was expecting I would. It felt like it went on forever, getting less and less interesting.

My wife is a casual fan. She has gradually lost interest over the last year or so - we used to always see MCU films in the theater, usually on opening weekend, now we usually wait for streaming. We have no plans on going to "The Marvels" which looks really boring to both of us.

I enjoyed the D&D movie, and I have issues with the way LOTR was adapted (surfboarding elves and lack of Tom Bombadil arent among them), but no.

Hey, some love for "Dolores Claiborne"! One of my favorite King adaptations and it feels completely forgotten.

Are you diabetic? I say this because I am and I recently had a problem with extreme thirst and constant urination. When I had it checked out my glucose level was so high I was rushed to the emergency room. Once they lowered my blood sugar (which took most of a day) the initial problem went away.

I’m glad they are finally putting this series out of our misery. I had the misfortune of watching the second one at home on a rainy Saturday afternoon. What a dreary, drab, lifeless, incoherent mess. These film make the “Hobbit” trilogy look great in comparison.

I've always hated Milk Duds. I never buy candy in theaters anymore but way back in the day it was Whoppers and Junior Mints all the way.

I already feel terrible about the world. I doubt any movie can lower that opinion too much. Seeing genuine artistry on the screen regardless of the subject matter is a positive thing for me mentally.

Thor: Love and Thunder is where the hot steamy action was for me. I deeply disliked Ant-Man 3, but Thor was painfully terrible. It felt like it was designed to personally torture me.

I want to see if they can do anything with The Fantastic Four, and that's about it. If they screw that up, that's the end of the line for me.

I found Obi-Wan to be extremely mediocre, Boba Fett boring and I haven't watched Ashoka. I haven't decided if I will or not, but I'm leaning towards not.

Why don’t they combine demonic possession with the (somewhat limited) sub-genres of killer beds?

I hate spunk!

Madeleine L’Engle + The Stones perform "Wrinkles in Time".

“The Simarillion” was (mostly) written before “The Hobbit” and originally they weren't connected and did not take place in the same world. Tolkien threw in some references to the earlier work in the Hobbit to give it some historical depth and because it amused him. Then when he was working on LoTR (started because his

They have?

If those damn goats appear in anything ever again I am going to literally (yes, literally) explode.

Yeach, it would really suck if it didn't.