
They are wearing different clothes.

I noticed that too - our Rick couldn't have been the one on that Council. Why wouldn't they have shown it? And then his whole personality is different. I'm sure we're looking at a reveal that that's an imposter Rick pretty soon.

You're clearly right, but why make such a huge deal out of Clark being horribly burned and seeking revenge if you're not even going to really write the character who did it into the show? It distracted from how personal Clark's mission was supposed to be. One of Hawley's various confusing and odd choices.

The book doesn't really get into specifics, but IT definitely controls various people and events somehow, yeah. IT's basically omnipotent

IT basically is Derry - when IT dies, nearly the whole town falls apart - so yeah, it both feeds on the natural evils of the denizens and influences them to be more evil.

Never understood the love for the miniseries. It's basically all rubbish.

Aw, I found it very moving to get one more scene with young Bev and Richie.

Initially, Georgie is shocked and bewildered to see him, and only once Pennywise manages to keep his attention and hypnotise him a little does he warm up to him and start to perceive him as friendly-seeming - and as having always seemed friendly. Georgie thinks something like "Yes, of course, his eyes were blue! How

Yes, exactly, hypnotised is the best way to describe it. He isn't initially terrifying, he just seems very wrong in some subtle way and it sort of paralyses people. He is also implied to be literally hypnotising you as IT has telepathic abilities.

Frankenstein actually rips off Victor's head and it's described several times as sounding like a really loud zipper. Then he sort of "peels" Belch's face off, or something - it's not made clear.

The velociraptors totally act like they know they're creepy and love it.

Yeah, I still think that the sections written from Tom Rogan's point of view are the most disturbing. We get to understand him so well, he seems so real and plausible, and you realise that people that awful really can exist and it's scarier than any demon clown.

Pet Sematary is awesome!

Tim Curry making Pennywise all gravelly voiced was my least favourite thing he did. To this day I read IT's lines in way more of a goofy Roger Rabbit-esque voice, and it's so much creepier. Especially when he's screaming at Mike down the phone. IT's never angry or losing it, IT's always having fun.

The villain in IT is really fear itself. IT is the monster to end all monsters cus it can be anything - it turns into whatever the person perceiving it fears most, so while for some characters it's a standard scary thing like the Creature from the Black Lagoon or whatever (as most of the characters are children), for

I realised the Oscars were total bullshit when Jennifer Lawrence beat Emmanuelle Riva for Best Actress a few years ago. Not only was Riva's performance by far the best of the nominees, but she was very old, as well as foreign - in other words, unlikely to ever be nominated again. J-Law on the other hand was nominated

I should be in this poof!

Channel 4 is showing season 8 right now and I'm just now being reminded of its greatness (it's one of the few Golden Age seasons I don't own on DVD for some reason). The only episodes I don't totally love are, oddly, the Lisa-heavy episodes (which were usually so strong): My Sister, My Sitter, Lisa's Date With

The Jack Black one was way more meta, though. Much funnier too. The interrupted credits gag is one of those early glimpses of Community genius you can find throughout Season 1's first half.

Season 9 really does have tons of brilliant material, but no season was ever perfect again after 8.