
Some fantastic casting here. Never thought I'd say this, but Bill Murray should really do more Shakespeare. In another life he coulda been a true thesp.

It's a tie with Season 4.

I Just Wasn't Made For These Times, yes, an incredibly underrated song. Also Don't Talk (Put Your Head On My Shoulder). 
But screw you guys, Sloop John B is AWESOME. My dad always used to play it to us when we were kids, but then as time went by I kinda forgot about it, only to hear it again years later when I

Nah, I love Paul's voice on Fixing A Hole. I only sorta don't love Lovely Rita from Sgt. Pepper's, to be honest.

I think it's this that makes them legends, and the most important musical act in recent history. Not just their music, not just their story, but all of it, everything that happened to them and everything that they did, was all just so amazing and inspiring and - well, I hate to use this word, but - epic.

More specifically, Scott Pilgrim Gets It Together is one of the best books I've ever read. Seriously.

I love that you said SuperFly.

I'd like to heartily third that. See Rear Window.

When I first heard that I just died!

Those last two share the problem of lame final boss battles, I think. BioShock at least, however, is so great that I can totally support its place here.


Does the bizarre twist in the story with Ken's girlfriend not bother anyone else? Don't get me wrong, Freaks and Geeks is fantastic, but never perfect for me.

Goddamn it yes, The Blues Brothers. So good.

I'm always torn here because I think Revolver (followed by Rubber Soul) is my favourite in terms of how much I enjoy each individual song - there isn't a single one I don't absolutely love - but I think Sgt. Pepper's is superior as an album. I can very rarely listen to one song from Sgt. Pepper's and then stop, I

Well I have a flaw, even though you didn't ask: I did not care much for the last boss fight. But, then, the Scarecrow fantasies were so fucking amazing and unlike anything I've ever experienced in a video game before that I am willing to agree with you.

The poster for that movie is one of only three I own, along with Back to the Future and Jaws. Something about De Niro's bloody face in giant black and white looming down at you framed by the bright red words RAGING BULL is indeed oddly beautiful. Damned good looking film.

Ehh, I never had that problem. They're movies, so any approximation of reality will always seem kinda fake. That's one of the reasons The Wire is so impressive to me, because it comes closer to capturing real life as I have experienced it than any work of fiction I've ever seen. And the Nolan Batman looks more like a

As for individual songs; Cortez the Killer is one of my favourite things ever recorded. I dream of seeing Neil perform it in concert when it can stretch out to over 10 minutes.

I fucking love Back to the Future and it is easily in my Top Five movies of all time, but… it's just the ending that keeps it from achieving true perfection in my eyes. Even as a little kid it creeped me out that the new McFly family Marty creates must have all these memories of him that he never experienced, and are

Excellent choice. Big Trouble In Little Chinatown is a close second though, at least for me. For years I've hoped Kurt Russell and John Carpenter do one more movie together  while they still can. They're a flawless partnership on the level of De Niro/Scorsese, but for transcendentally trashy movies.