
So what you’re basically saying without realizing it, is you miss the EU, and all the wacky canon and non-canon shenanigans that went on there, and SCREW DISNEY BECAUSE THEY KILLED THE EU FOR NO REASON and are now trying to rectify it by “borrowing” ideas from the EU and pawning them off as their own... basically

Yeah I was thinking the same while watching this. It just seemed so boring

Honestly, outside the world visuals, it doesn’t look that interesting. The environment seems very static, the protag still seems very bland, and the platforming very basic.

You don’t..?

Buddy, I’m a lawyer. I’m stating a fact, not making an argument. The court’s enforcement of the law is literally what makes it a first amendment issue. That’s not my opinion of what makes sense or the way things should be; that’s just the way the constitution operates.

This one is far deeper into the grey area than you claim, though it’s also not cut-and-dry against you, either.

AMG is seeking enforcement by a federal court of a federal trademark. That enforcement is the government act that would putatively violate the First Amendment. This is a fair use issue.

Completely disagree, someone could come out of the woodwork for so many different things it’s insane. I don’t want to be playing military simulation games a decade from now where they are so afraid of getting sued they can’t use realistic weapons, vehicles, technology, hell even clothing designs. This just opens up

It’ll be heavy on troubling, realistic emotions, very much inspired by the controversial No Russian campaign in Modern Warfare 2 that allowed the player to gun down civilians.

Um....but they did?

altering racial appearance easily devolves into stereotyping and recalls the history of the practice.

As someone who doesn’t condone or exercises racism in the slightest, isn’t it a reverse world where someone actively and accurately tries to mimic another character to every aspect; which in this case includes skin color, with a purely artistic and precision purpose?
As opposed to literally using the skin color; and as

So online required 24/7, no lending games, no used games, basically the original Xbox One Microsoft wanted to launch which then got shit on by everyone. Now the question is, will consumers shit on this, or eat it up even though they were against it years ago?

I don’t understand this constant insistence of “owning their own politics?” What exactly are their politics?

Jedi Academy is bloody awesome, at least on PC. Hope the Xbox version holds well.

She’s a fucking idiot. Stop giving her any attention and stick to games

Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies remains unbeaten in the genre for every reason you listed. It’s astounding that the game is over 17 years old. Ace Combat 4 and Crash Bandicoot (Wrath of Cortex) were the two games that came with the PS2 my dad bought for Christmas ‘01. I still have the PS2 and Ace Combat 4. The game is

I do think its nice having other players around in the open world, it makes things feel a little less lonely. I think the ideal for me would be if they gave you the option to pick a pvp instance or a pve instance. That way, you could hang out with like-minded people who just want to do their own thing without

Its the same as in GTA Online, anyone anywhere at any time can decide to be a raging pycho dick and try to kill you. Literally the second day I played of the beta, within a minute of me logging in some rando d-bag tackled me to the ground and knifed me to death. Its somewhat easier to avoid potential ambushes than in

I just played Online for the first time today and the first mission you play with other players, fucking guys start talking during the opening cut scene, right over the dialogue that sets up the damn premise. I noped the fuck out of there and not sure if Online is even for me; I’m more of a single-player guy.