
It is going to have access to Amazon Instant video, Hulu, Netflix, and a ton of other non-sony services (none of which will require a PS Plus subscription to use).

The omission of MP3 pisses me off but that's because I doubt games will be able to do custom soundtracks without it.

Any idea on bluetooth support?
It's pretty hilarious that Microsoft isn't creating any compatability of the Xbox One's pad for PC until 2014( and none for wireless it seems), but Sony's is working out of the box.

Deadspin you should host all their names (and maybe photos) on your website. Holloway took down his website.
I don't see any reason why it wouldn't be perfectly legal.

Ugh, everyone stop selling the PC version if you've never played the PC version of ACIII. It was an atrocious port. Most likely this one is going to suck too.

Not the AC series. III was absolutely broken on PC. though to be fair most of that game was broken in some fashion anyways..

ACIII sucked monkey balls on the PC, so noope, the PC version of this is going to suck.

I completely agree about the story. The only great story in all of Metal gear was Metal Gear Solid 3 because it was it's own self contained work that showed at least some restraint.
Kojima is great with mechanics and dialogue and even with his use of themes and motifs. But the man's restraint in the details and the

Yeah, girlfriend pillows, rape obsessed (censored!) pornography, peeping tom issues so bad women have to change what underwear they use, hostess clubs etc really speak to enjoying what their actual impulses are and healthily embracing sexuality. Japan is extremely sexually repressed. The west holds much healthier

Dude we are way more overt with our sexual impulses than Japan. you are entirely missing the point. Japan is extremely sexually repressed. See hostess clubs, the censoring of all porn, weird japanese terms of courtship, how female Jpop stars get their careers ruined for acknowledging they actually have sex lives,

Hey Japan, you really gotta get working on your sexism. This is the kind of distasteful stuff that happens when you don't. Theres good reason why Japan has by far the lowest participation of women in the workforce in the developed world and most certainly the lowest participation in full time skilled jobs (and

Get embarrassed by Japan instead. Japanese games seem way more egregious about women in games.
This is uhh, why japan could tone down the incredibly rampant sexism in their society that is way worse than the west and at the same time perhaps adopt healthier views on women and sexuality. Just maybe..

eh, it might work if you use an ip masker for just the initial contact. If direct tv was smart they would be monitoring the packets to see where they are going. Personally I just pay for a VPN and it makes life easier.

Just use a VPN and have an American buddy mail the game to you. VPNs run about 30 bucks for 6 months. All the traffic will be routed through a server in the states. Don't use free proxies.
I'm currently in Toronto and plan to use this.

wait how are they enforcing the local blackout for streaming? Can't I just say like I live in Alaska?

Eh, looking at the imgur link she seems fine with Ezio. However she definitely does not like being in the box (I certainly wouldn't)

Preach it.
Square just seems to be a management clusterfuck. Tomb Raider did phenomenally well (3.4 million the first month) for a daring complete reboot but they were 'disappointed' with the sales Like additionally, how on earth do you manage your greatest and most expensive Japanese game developer/team to miss an

Well i mean the point would be that the game was even darker than initially thought. Tomb Raider undeservedly got tons of shit for it's 'rape scene' which really wasn't rape at all.
I think it would fit in with the universe if that was how the stormguard repopulated. .

One thing I don't think people caught in Tomb Raider was that it was hinted by the Solarii that Stormguard were regular mortals that replenished their numbers via rape of women that were stranded on the island.
It could be the Solarii just making up sense, but it would make sense because when you kill the Stormguard

This is all pretty annoying because family sharing and all those other features were still 'rumors'. We still don't know how they would have (or will?) work.
My guess is that it wouldn't be much different than how online subscriptions work now, one person at a time in real time, and wouldn't actually be some great

+1 Slow clap.