
Bandwidth would be shared, but the PS4 has a separate dedicated chip to just downloading, uploading, installing updates, capturing video and compressing video

No, like the Xbox One extra DRM is built right into the disk and system architecture.
For someone to do that on the PS4 they would need to include a code AND mimic that the game is an MMO and online all the time. That's a lot of work for them and unlikely to happen.

No, there's no way in the PS4's system architecture for a more comprehensive form of always online DRM that third party could implement outside of the game being always online like a MMO o

There's no extra DRM on the PS4. You may have 'online passes' where theres a code in the box you need to enter to get new content (usually multiplayer modes), but Sony and EA have already said they won't be doing that next gen, although EA could always go back on its word.

MGS4s character models are *still* the best ever made. God knows how many resources Konami put into developing them. Is there any good technical reason why they are still so good other than art direction?

Don't play with my heart like that Sony!

Kotaku can you ask for comment on whether development has ceased or the project is canceled?

Unlike the rape joke or japanese bitching about Faith this is completely not an issue. Its a cartoon. jeez.

Is it going to be online?
I can never get a full four people to play it local/ ]

YEEOUCH.... Bring a woman on stage, trash talk her for not playing well, and make a rape joke?

Max and the Magic Marker is back? Its from the same guys

Those were all portable ports though. I'm sure Ready at Dawn could create a full scale ratchet and clank game that would be better than the last two for sure.

This isn't going to do pretty things for their relationship with Sony. And considering Msoft is publishing it theres no chance its a timed exclusive.
Insomniac are being complete wankers here.


People get turned away from services all the time. The granddaddy of this policy is Reagan who started our practice of releasing mental patients to the streets, often so because they are pressured due to lack of funding.

Yeah, he wants to magically address it without increasing funding. Because mental health services are just rolling in the money right now.

This is such freaking bullshit. The Mental health system in this country has been substantially deprived since Reagan gutted it. It is entirely about spending government funding on mental health. Look at how crowded mental health facilities are, look how poor the quality is, actually take a second too examine how long

This is going to flop so bad, i'm afraid of the fall out.

Luke in the original report (and some other interviews out there) they seem to clearly say that *Sony* will not block it's own games from going second hand.