
I have no doubt that booze is the root cause of a lot of health problems, but I think we have much bigger fish to fry here in the United States.  I would say that obesity due to the pervasiveness and availability of unhealthy, heavily-processed food ranks much higher than this.  Sadly, I think booze plays into the

You realize that’s the exact same tactic white nationalists are attempting this very moment, yes?

I wasn’t trying to improve your statement. I was just referring to another Splinter article that bitched about Chelsea Clinton maybe running for city counselor at some point in the future.  

No. I want supposed progressives to stop acting like purity police and writing bullshit hit pieces on other progressives. 

Yet another piece decrying a lack of purity, and with no data to back anything up, no less. Sheesh...

I love that the second quote is basically Hillary’s 2016 platform and it’s totally acceptable NOW because Warren (the Louise to Hillary’s Thelma, if you recall) is talking it up.

Or God forbid if Chelsea Clinton had said it!

Right, I was just going to comment. What if Hillary would have said this? Burn the Witch!!!

What the fuck is it with the recent obsession of you all with the labels of people who agree with you basically 100% on policy? Policy purity tests I get. I don’t always agree with them, and sometimes they are counterproductive, but I get the appeal of drawing a line in the sand over a substantive point and fighting

Not appealing to left wing Democrats is kind of the point.

Warren is very, very smart. The fact that she’s distancing herself from the left wing speaks volumes about what she knows it will take to win anything more than an under-attended congressional primary in the Bronx.

The spread of capitalism has reduced worldwide poverty by quite literally half in the 20th century alone. Name one country that can say a socialist economy has done the same. I’ll save you the time, there isn’t one!

the most popular politician in America.”

Here’s the rub. If she somehow decided tomorrow to declare that she was a socialist and that she would no longer be pragmatic, she would in turn receive the ire of those far-lefties decrying her as an opportunist. 

She... has never claimed to be a socialist before, so I’m not clear on the expectation of her to do so now. She’s always been a capitalist and a pragmatist, and I don’t think she’s going to give up her long-held beliefs to go socialist now just because the label’s currently having a fashionable moment. I’d advise

Oh, fuck off with this bullshit.

Jesus Christ we get it. You hate the Clintons. It’s an unhealthy obsession.

It’s a slow Monday and not enough clickbait to go around. Time to fire up Hillary Derangement Syndrome, get those progressive commentators enraged, and show that you guys sometimes aren’t all too dissimilar from the far-right as far as demonizing and fearing the Clintons.

Eh, whatever. If she trades on the family name to win a district that a better candidate wouldn’t have won, who cares? She’s had perfectly sensible takes on things pretty much every time she’s opened her mouth.

I get why people would not want yet another Clinton running for President, but Chelsea’s credentials are pretty much unimpeachable. Don’t forget, she spent 8 years in the White House, a few helping manage the Clinton Foundation, and practically chaired her mother’s Presidential Campaign, which came pretty close to