
You realize he actively choose to be tortured so the men serving under him wouldn’t be right? How on earth is that not an “unparalleled example of human decency and american service”? At a time when basically everyone of privilege (McCain was the son and grandson of Admirals) were using their connections to avoid

Sound the alarm—Progressive woman failed bullshit purity test.

Reading some of these comments just pisses me off to be honest. Its one thing to speak about McCain as a politician of which he was mixed and bad if you are on the left. But McCain as a human being was beyond impeachable.

For god sakes this is a man who choose to spend two years in a Viet Cong POW camp because if he left he would give a PR coup to the VC. Where he choose to be tortured to protect the other prisoners from the same fate. He wasn’t a villain he was the dictionary definition of hero, you can disagree with his politics but

“Conform perfectly to the party image.... or else!”

A politician shows actually decency during a period of mourning for a man who gave so much for his country and she is criticized for it. Good for Ocasio-Cortez her tweet was the proper way to react. Time and history will piece together his legacy let it, for now remember a man just died a little common decency is not

Jesus Fucking Christ. All these people on the left falling all over each other in the name of purity can go fuck themselves. I’m so beyond sick of this. 

Waiting to see if Splinter calls out its golden girl for this. I'm not holding my breath. 

No our country is shit right now because angry, bitter assholes want to insult first and pay attention later. You are the epitome of what I stated. I’m right, your wrong and if you disagree I will insult you and call you names and get angrier and angrier. Hey, sounds like our president, good for you. You Utterly

This is the reason Democrats keep losing. Everything has to be perfect at all times with their candidate and each democrat has a different definition of perfect.

And she can do all that while thinking McCain was a decent person.

Couldn’t have said it better.

Honestly, any Jezebel staffer trying to call someone out for hypocrisy or praising someone that doesn’t stand with your ideals at this point is just a joke.

Eating our own, as per usual. 

eating our own, as per usual. 

Compromise never. Even when giving a eulogy to a man who just died. This is the way to the sacred social media purity which will certainly save us.

Are people not allowed to be civil and even kind to whom they disagree with anymore?

no person on this planet is, nor ever will be, pure. He served and sacrificed for his country and while far from perfect, is a hero.  IMHO of course.

I know I’m wasting my time talking to a brick wall but I actually have hope for humanity. Call me a cunt, which is super awesome by the way, say I love McCain and I should blow his corpse? Also super classy. I never once said I loved him or was even a fan. My point, which I didn’t think was super controversial, was