
Can we please stop with the pimple popper stuff!?! How many articles do you need to write on this? I remember when Huffpo went full side-boob . Every day there was a new side-boob article. Even though they don’t do it anymore, it’s how I think of them now. I do not want to think of this as the pimple popper site! It’s

Can I unsubscribe from all these Dr. Pimple Popper posts

1: I thought I had it turned off too, but apparently not. I need to reinvestigate.

Seriously. I have autoplay turned off, but even still I’m way over the daily DPP updates. How much is this woman paying you guys?

Is there a way to block the Dr. PP posts here by any chance? Yeah, I get it: people like things I don’t and I should keep scrolling. Trust, I try to, but then there’s AUTOPLAY videos on the main page that I can’t stop— including one vile one from yesterday of some huge cyst (and puss) being removed from some

so he wanted someone he could exploit. thats not gross at all...

Men 100 years ago and men today STILL think that younger women have sincere sexual and romantic interests in older men. Yes, men really do believe that.

To be fair, testicles are pretty gross at any age.

Oh, like they’re all pressed and smooth at any age. The bigger issue is the fact that I hear they migrate south like a Canadian goose as you get older.

Works for Dane Cook’s teen girlfriend. (shudder.)


Four words: Wrinkly old man testicles. Wrinkly. Old. Man. Testicles.

Capitalism has cut poverty rates in half across the entire world in the last 100 years. It has improved the quality of life for the greatest number of people ever. This is not to say, however, that capitalism is perfect or that it doesn’t come with its own sets of challenges, particularly in this country. But it is

Capitalism” doesn’t suck. “Unfettered Capitalism” sucks.  That the government has abdicated it’s requirement to reign in the stupid and the selfish and the greedy is the problem.

I’m fucking shocked that a shitty Splinter writer dishonestly misrepresented poll results to support a point (“DEMOCRATS SHOULD CALL THEMSELVES SOCIALISTS”) that, astonishingly is both wrong and not even worth making. 

You can have free college and national healthcare without having a ‘socialist’ economy. Nowhere in Western Europe considers itself socialist, and most of these countries have robust capitalist free markets alongside socialist systems that have bred some of the world’s largest companies. Nestle, Maersk, Airbus, BP,

Oh humans. Most of us can only either see the good or the bad in something, but to be able to dispassionately and objectively see both sides at the same time? We suck at that. We suck even more at being able to take the best aspects of each system and throw those in a blender and make something even better or new.

I’m tired of “socialist” idiots not knowing what they support. I’m not remotely a conservative. I want higher taxes on the wealthy, more regulations, particulalry on environmental issues and more government job programs, at least in a local sense. I also don’t want the government to own my small business and allow me

A 50% of Democrats means a 25% total, right? 

How much do you think you’re going to get paid under a socialist system Libby? I wonder what the going rate is in Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea or what it was in the USSR.