
Ground agents are taught how to start the planes as part of the process of moving them on the ground.

He was committing suicide, not using violence against civilians to further an ideological objective. 

In other words it was a suicidal guy making bad choices but apparently trying to not put anyone else’s lives at risk. But way to generalize!

This is such a crazy and sad situation. It’s hard to believe it’s even real. The barrel roll he did was unbelievable and the ATC audio is very surreal to listen to. I do feel sorry for him. I wish he would have gotten the help he needed. Unfortunately, sometimes we don’t know about the demons others are battling until

Literally nobody gives a shit who wins the primary if they can’t get elected in the general. But sure, let’s keep listening to a bunch of New Yorkers tell Midwesterners how we’re going to vote. And insulting us if we don’t pick their favorite candidate.

The Sayed stuff confused me, because there was nothing objectionable about Whitmer as a candidate, yet Sayed was turned into the “one true progressive”, and him losing is for some reason a crushing blow to progressives.  Also, if you read some lefties, Emilies List is this awful group and are spoken of like they are

I could just see them playing that angle as soon as I saw the headline and long before I had read a single word of the article.

He ran on an explicit ethno-nationalist platform. Please explain how that sort of change would appeal to Democratic voters.

No, they can’t. You obviously don’t live in a red district because otherwise you would realize that Republican voters would rather cut their genitals off than vote for a Democrat. But thanks for telling everyone who actually lives here how to get those votes!

Yeah, and it’s pretty intellectually dishonest to say left wing politics are doing pretty well in the Midwest when you’re talking mostly about Democratic primaries. Let’s see how they do in the general election.

You mean Pramila Jayapal got re-elected in incredibly liberal Seattle? That is impressive.

Uh, you realize that Rashida Tlaib is running unopposed practically, Cori Bush in MO, lost, and WA is a safe blue state, right?

Here’s the problem though: these are *primaries*

El-Sayed lost by 30%. That was a proper trouncing, and hardly a “large portion of the vote.” The way you guys talk, even in your reply, especially on this website is that you’ll win every single time. 

Stop being so delusional. These elections are showing that outside of the hard blue areas, the window isn’t shifting

Tammy Duckworth - person who has actually won an election that covers midwestern urban and rural areas

I’m hoping that in 13 weeks they realize that this election cycle is not the time to “send a message”

Bernie is a hack and a phony. Guy has three mansions, millions of dollars in the bank, and a sick FBI investigation into he and his wife’s fraudulent financial transactions through Burlington College.

Took me a second to catch my breathe, what with all that spinnin’ going on this article.

Every single person Ocasio-Cortez and Sanders endorsed in those three states lost (and in the case of El-Sayed, lost pretty badly) is “doing pretty well?” Wat? 

Considering Sanders and Ocasio flew out to Michigan and Kansas to campaign for Sayed and Welder....the fact both still lost seems to suggest *maybe* there’s something to letting the locals decide.