
Barn weddings are the latest terrible idea to become a thing among rich white morons who have never been in an actual barn in their lives.

This. Someone who does that to any animal, let alone their own pet, has something fundamentally wrong with them.

Do you really think this is unique to Wisconsin? Have you paid attention to the news/general reality of the U.S.?

Yeah, that’s a pretty solid indicator that someone is 100% evil.

i watched the whole thing and believe he did do it as well

As soon as I read that he had tortured and killed his cat, I knew he wasn’t innocent.

I’ve read about the case and listed to podcasts about it.
He totally fucking did it.

But I can’t watch him.

I tried to watch that. 15 min in I had to turn it off because Steven Avery is so fucking chilling and disgusting.  I didn’t even get as far as the crime.  

I tried to watch that. 15 min in I had to turn it off because Steven Avery is so fucking chilling and disgusting. I didn’t even get as far as the crime. There is no way that man is not guilty of something horrible.

Still funny how none of you see the game being played. Typo was done on purpose. From complaining about concentration camps for kids to complaining about a typo. Honestly, do you not get what they are doing to y’all? You sound like nutjobs.

Clinton signed a law in 1996

“Some might say that calling out Democrats on immigration is not productive at this moment...”

I’m surprised it took Splinter this long to post their predictable DEMOCRATS SUCK TOO piece about the current migrant crisis.

What a pointless wall of text.

Nope. Trump’s policy is Trump’s fault. No “both sides” on this one. None of Splinter’s patented anti-Democratic whataboutism.

No shit! Definitely report it, but this is so not the fucking time for this take, are you fucking kidding me?

Sarah Palin will be front and center to roundly condemn this, correct?


Corey Lewandowski should be kicked in the balls by every single person that encounters him. This includes healthcare staff treating him for being repeatedly kicked in the balls. He should have to live his life as a hermit, away from all human contact, for fear of being kicked in the balls.

These people need to feel what Nazis felt after 1945.

As a father of an intellectually disabled young man, I am horrified and furious at this unfeeling remark made by Lewandowski and the circumstances under which it was made.